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Selling my kit due to security light


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It's the forums policy to remove posts that involve the use of air rifles etc to damage a neighbours property. (Even with the smilies!)

Please could we refrain from suggesting this or other vandalism against our neighbours.

Thanks all :)

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You never know how it will turn out. My neighbour's (in UK) 500W job appears to have stopped working - possibly the bulb is blown and they haven't noticed or can't be bothered.
I've had security light problems down the years with neighbours which is why I use a dome obsy which greatly minimises the problem and is aided by increasing height of surrounding shrubbery and small trees. Even got evergreen honeysuckle growing in my apple trees as a further aid :).

These lights tend to be a novelty and after a few months are used less often or the bulb blows and they're not replaced - with luck.

Having a neighbourly word can help - one neighbour [lighting eng who loved his lights!] put up a ali shield to block the 500W shining my way and his neighbour did likewise without asking!

More recently a new neighbour [from Brazil] ignored my pleas despite seeing its effect from within my obsy - he was polite but couldn't see a problem. When I knocked on his door one evening [unbeknown to me Chelsea was playing Moscow Spartak] he went ballistic - and next day I had a visit from the Bill for causing a disturbance - they were very polite when I explained I'd been disturbed most clear nights for the last six months.

The council's Enviromental Health Officer called at my request but net result worthless - "as the light was not shining into my bedroom there was no statutory nuisance". He also implied that.. "as I was retired and not going to work next day, there was [would be] no disturbance". Interpretation of the regs varies between Councils. Luckily, as stated above, the light rarely if ever operates nowadays and as I image rather than eyeball LP effects are minimal :)

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I dug up the picture I took of my LP problem as it was last year, which I posted on another thread:


(The red cast on the image is an artefact, due to my not quite correcting the WB on my modded camera).

This was taken from my bedroom window, about 6am last September. As you can see, quite a show! But luckily, as I said above, my problem seems to have gone away. I'll bet that some SGL'ers can post worse examples...

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A lot of it must be to do with how cheap these lighting units have become recently ; I mean under a tenner for these things. Well they have to pay the electricity bill, and as nytecam says they are a short term novelty for some. Maybe not in this case though.

I remember some customer reviews of a 500W unit, saying "wonderful it turns night into day". And that for less than a tenner; that's the appeal.

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A lot of it must be to do with how cheap these lighting units have become recently ; I mean under a tenner for these things. Well they have to pay the electricity bill, and as nytecam says they are a short term novelty for some. Maybe not in this case though.

I remember some customer reviews of a 500W unit, saying "wonderful it turns night into day". And that for less than a tenner; that's the appeal.

Thats like me next doors decking night into day with my house been on angle with next doors house garden and decking

when they put 2 of wall lights they have built in wall with no sheilding the light shine in me bedroom windows

it is like day time when they put on lights and take **** sometimes by turning them on and off and on when know im stargazing

i had word with them about it same with other neighbours spot lights going on and off

had word with them they just blabbed on about how long they lived there and not gunna turn lights down cos of us.

so i just when ever stargaze use area where high wooden fence is when put telescope /binoculars outside and possibly make some kind shielding for bedroom if viewing skies from indoors.

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I have one of these overlooking my own garden. All I do when Im out there is use an old eyepiece box, slide it over the sensor and BINGO, no light! Maybe if you are outside they might let you do this? When ya done, take it off! Works for me.....

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Or you could erect an enormous shield with metal poles like they use in scaffolding, with some black sheets attached between the poles.

When you disassemble the "scaffolding" of your monster shielding wall at 4am (or whenever), then obviously it will make quite some metal noise.

The neighbors will wonder "what the.....?"

When the neighbours complain that you must be "out of your mind" and say they'll call the council about you, then there is your bargaining tool. They are interfering with your hobby on your own residence. It is their light that forces you to put up a monster shield device, and you would rather not go through the bother of having to setup and dismantle such an impractical monster every time you go outside. If they mount their light in a *responsible* way then there will be no need for the metal pole scaffolding noise ; so everyone then "wins".

Okay maybe there are better suggestions, but you have to find a way of *making it their problem*, and some way of showing that their "right" to use the lights also means having a responsibility. The noisy scaffolding trick is just an example. Hopefully someone has a better suggestions.

I have one of these overlooking my own garden. All I do when Im out there is use an old eyepiece box, slide it over the [lighting] sensor and BINGO, no light! Maybe if you are outside they might let you do this? When ya done, take it off! Works for me.....

Getting permission to temporarily deactivate their 'security' light while you are outside? With rational people yes, but with paranoid psychopath neighbours, no.

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Hell, why not ask him round, and show him the sights - Saturn is always a winner !

and if his light goes, off, consider it point made !,

Me, I got bigger problems - Birmingham southeast, Wolvo north, Dudley southwest, Walsall northwest ! :/ now thats light pollution :)

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Birmingham, Wolvo, Dudley....


*This* is light pollution...


Sorry for referencing a very old thread, getting a little off-topic, but I couldn't resist answering that one.:)

Ah well I hope you at least get clearer skies next month.

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How about just mount a really big mirror on your fence. It will shield you from the light, and send it back to where it came from!

Lol i like this. Idea. You could use one of those convex mirriors used on coutry roads to help people reverse out of the drive way.

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Lol i like this. Idea. You could use one of those convex mirriors used on coutry roads to help people reverse out of the drive way.

A big concave one might be better - epoxy a bolt to the rear and use that to stretch the mirror a little bit with a frame around it and going across the centre thus making a mirror with an approx fl = distance to the neighbour's light and bedroom window... Put it up and leave it up such that when the light goes off it lights up the bedroom like daylight.. And as it's their own light there's no problem? If they align it right they'll stop their light trespass..

That's assuming that sane methods have failed.

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A big concave one might be better - epoxy a bolt to the rear and use that to stretch the mirror a little bit with a frame around it and going across the centre thus making a mirror with an approx fl = distance to the neighbour's light and bedroom window... Put it up and leave it up such that when the light goes off it lights up the bedroom like daylight.. And as it's their own light there's no problem? If they align it right they'll stop their light trespass..

That's assuming that sane methods have failed.

It will be a nice practice of mirror grinding techniques for the eventual DIY giant dob too.

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