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Unexpected Saturn Bonus

Matt I

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Down in Bristol at my girlfriends and the forecast was cloud for this evening.Rushed out when caught a glimpse of some clear skies out back. Low and behold my first ever clear view of Saturn. Totally breathtaking! Can't believe how clear it is.And the clearness of the gap between the rings and the sphere was totally mind blowing. One happy star gazer as was waiting for opposition tomorrow and the forecasted clear skies. Total unexpected Saturn bonus! :-)

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My mate has a casual interest in Astronomy so popped round last night for a brief tour of the night sky. When we spotted Saturn we were both amazed! I have only had my scope for a a fortnight or so but i got one hell of a rush! Such a satisfying feeling to see it so clear! As the OP says, the clarity and gap between the rings was awesome.

Looking forward to upgrading my eyepieces over the next few months and getting a (hopefully) better look!

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My mate has a casual interest in Astronomy so popped round last night for a brief tour of the night sky. When we spotted Saturn we were both amazed! I have only had my scope for a a fortnight or so but i got one hell of a rush! Such a satisfying feeling to see it so clear! As the OP says, the clarity and gap between the rings was awesome.

Looking forward to upgrading my eyepieces over the next few months and getting a (hopefully) better look!

With you all the way.Totally breathtaking.What EP's did you view it with and what are you thinking of adding to your collection?

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Having being put into a hotel at LHR, (whilst builders are renovating my home because of subsidance), I did not want to risk my scopes in storage, I took them with me.

Lastnight on a 'dark' corner of the hotel, I setup my ETX for a few hours observing of Saturn, Virgo & Mars. WOW!

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With you all the way.Totally breathtaking.What EP's did you view it with and what are you thinking of adding to your collection?

Hey Matt I,

I was using the two eyepieces that came with my Skywatcher Evostar90 which are Super 25mm and 10mm. I also used a x2 barlow. The barlow was nice for a better look but trying to get a good focus was difficult as it was very shaky.

I am looking into getting a 6mm Vixen NPL first or a similar sized Celestron omni Plossl. I'm pretty new to this so Im gonna do my research first. Gonna be a fairly cheap upgrade at first and maybe add a piece per month.

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Hey Matt I,

I was using the two eyepieces that came with my Skywatcher Evostar90 which are Super 25mm and 10mm. I also used a x2 barlow. The barlow was nice for a better look but trying to get a good focus was difficult as it was very shaky.

I am looking into getting a 6mm Vixen NPL first or a similar sized Celestron omni Plossl. I'm pretty new to this so Im gonna do my research first. Gonna be a fairly cheap upgrade at first and maybe add a piece per month.

I went for the 6.3mm Plossl, which I viewed Saturn through last night. IMHO excellent value for money.

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The same EP's as came with my Skywatcher Dob 200p. I had real issues using the 10mm with Barlow at first but more than got the hang of it now. I'm thinking of getting myself a 5mm Plossl. You can get a half decent One for about £40 it seems. Only been doing it myself since Xmas. My girlfriend bought me the scope. Was over the moon! (pardon the pun). But think she might regret it now as I'm always out with it at any hint of a clear night! lol. Happy observing my friend :-)

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Cheers Chownsie! Appreciate any advice I can get the moment

I'm in a similar boat, Matt I. Looking for about 6mm then mibbie a 32mm or 40mm for the DSO's. My girlfriend got me the telescope for my birthday (3rd April) Yeah, it seems you get get pretty decent initial upgrades for reasonable prices. Won't be long before my eyepiece collection exceeds the value of the scope! haha

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