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Back to the Moon?


Do we go back to the Moon?  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Do we go back to the Moon?

    • Yes, we need a Moon base NOW
    • Yes, but only with robotic rovers, it's too dangerous to send people
    • No, been there, done that, let's go to an asteroid
    • No, costs too much money and we have plenty of problems on Earth
    • No, human exploration spoils the mystery and enchantment of space

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I voted for 'No, costs too much...' I don't think there could be that much to 'discover' on the Moon. In space exploration, it's all about Mars imo.

Also, I know I'll probably get ripped for this on here, but deep sea exploration is much closer and more important to us.

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I voted yes we need a moon base. purely as this would as mentioned above be a great springboard to future more distant exploration which I also think is what we should naturally aim for. I don't know the costs of such exploration but given the population of the world it's not a lot per head.

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Voted No, human exploration spoils the mystery and enchantment of space, not for the mystery of space but to stop the polution of the moon with more bits of spacejunk (and crisp packets!).

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I voted for a moon base, it make's sense to built a jumping off point with lower gravity and also harvest the resource's for fuel living etc, would be more cost effective for future mission’s to other parts of the solar system.

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I vote yes, go back, but with a permanent base set up to research the practicalities of living on another body. I think we need to explore the technologies needed for a Mars landing and living, but somewhere much closer to home until this kind of operation becomes more 'routine'.

If the Moon was formed from a collision with Earth, then there could well be exploitable materials to be found which would make the Moon a possible launching platform for further into the Solar System. When we go somewhere, we don't do it just to plant a flag, we go to learn. I believe the Moon still has many secrets. Despite exploring so much of Earth, we still find new things, so what may the Moon hold considering it is so little explored?

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Just thinking about it. The costs of building a Lunar base would be far more then what the ISS cost(s). It would be home to about 6 people (scientists) and the LP it would cause would ruin our lovely views of the moon.

Its so close to Earth and so far from Mars that i really cant see it as being of any use as a staging post for manned missions to Mars.

Why dont we just build a Stargate?. I mean we have seen it on tv and it doesnt look that difficult to build/operate.

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I don't think a little moon base would cause LP... do you know how big the moon is :-)

I say we should spend big on Big Science. It is our moral duty to overcome our own ignorance.

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Ags, i was kidding about the LP. I was serious though about not seeing it being useful as a launch pad for manned Mars missions. A moon base would be good for research into living on another body other then Earth. Thats about the only benefit i can think off.

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Build moon base, mine and refine Aluminium, build linear motor catapult. Bombard earth for fun and profit Use launcher to send materiel to Mars in preparation for Mars colony.

Sounds very similar to a Heinlein book, well the building a catapult and bombarding the earth bit anyway :)

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At least we need to do some research over there, since there's water we don't know yet what else we can find in the moon. And if we want conquer the space in the future, we need a base there.

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