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Im in the garden setup waiting for the sun to go down (im just that keen im afraid!) Got the Mrs on stand by with a spag bol and a bottle of Pepsi ready to rock and or roll! :)

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Im in the garden setup waiting for the sun to go down (im just that keen im afraid!) Got the Mrs on stand by with a spag bol and a bottle of Pepsi ready to rock and or roll! :)

Snap my Scopes out and ready too. Just having a cuppa


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I've just been having a peek at Venus and Jupiter in the twighlight. The north equatorial belt on Jupiter looks paler than last time I observed the planet and the SEB seems to have darkened and thickened up. Complete reversal of last years opposition where the SEB had all but vanished !

Venus seems around 50% phase at the moment and appears to show some vague albedo markings here and there but it's so hard to pin anything down on those cloud tops.

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Clear here. Just been out with bins and spotted Mercury, which is good as I thought it was almost impossible from my new place due to trees. Could just see it before it sank behind the trees. Mars later if it stays clear, but not sure I will be up for Saturn.

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I took delivery of a C9.25 on Friday, and I've been out with it every night so far. Last night was fun and almost cloudless, good transparency but not great seeing, but I'm still getting used to the new toy, what it can do and how to make it do it, so I'm not bothered about the seeing just yet - there's quite a lot of novelty to wear off, considering this is an upgrade from a 127 Mak. Well, in addition to a 127.

Clear skies all!

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Makes a change to actually get out there.

Just been having a look at Venus, Jupiter, Mars and the Moon, unfortunately can't catch Mercury from my position. Come in for a quick warm, it's a lot colder than I was expecting and very windy.

Hope the rest of you have a good night.

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Well that was good. Clear and not windy - cold, mind. Moon's a tad bright.

I even got a snap of the Orion Neb tonight. I'm still getting sorted with alignment on the C9.25, and I'm not yet set up for AP, but this shows a little promise:


[C9.25, Advanced GT mount, Nikon D3000, 15", ISO 800]

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