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cooling down

dean w

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I try to keep my scope cool by storing it in the porch. That's usually about 5° warmer than outside. Even then I allow at least 45 minutes for cool down.

In the days before I knew better, I had a 140mm Mak which I kept in the living room which had an awful performance. I thought I had wasted my money... until one night I left it outside for three hours - then it started to perform.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. You might occasionally see some scopes that have been modified to include small electric fans to assist in speeding up the process of cooling. The secret is to keep the scope in as cool place to start with in order to help reduce this delay. Schmidt Cassegrains etc take the longest time of course because they have their glass mirrors contained within enclosed tubes compared with their equivalent sized newtonian type scopes who have a more open set up.

Clear skies


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I was observing the sun yesterday before my scope was properly cooled and as the cooling process continued you could see the image stabilising progressively more each few minutes. until when finally cooled properly the clouds rolled in :)

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It is essential to let your scope get to ambient temperature - cool at night and occasionally warmer during the day if you are observing the Sun (with the correct filters of course!!).

actually, of course you are correct - my scope may indeed have been 'warming' the other day.

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