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It's a big sky so where shall l start?

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So now I have my scope, standard sw 10mm + 25mm EP's and new Telrad. First light was last Saturday where I saw the moon, Venus and Jupiter which was incredible!

But as the title says its a huge sky out there so just where do I start?

Images that have wow'd me the most have been of DSO's and nebula rather than planetary, so should I just print of some Messier maps and go for it?

This kind of leads to a second question for the more experienced here...

How do you plan your evenings viewing? Do you set out with a few objects in mind or do you just star hop and see where it takes you?

Thanks in advance


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I tend to choose a constellation or two, read up on it a bit in the Atlas/Internet. Make some notes then go from there. Messier maps are also fine, but there's a lot more up there.

There are a few good observing guide books out there. Two consistently recommended ones are;

Turn Left at Orion: A Hundred Night Sky Objects to See in a Small Telescope - and How to Find Them: Amazon.co.uk: Guy Consolmagno, Dan M. Davis: Books

Illustrated Guide to Astronomical Wonders: From Novice to Master Observer DIY Science: Amazon.co.uk: Robert Bruce Thompson, Barbara Fritchman Thompson: Books

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To start with look for some of the easier DSOs M45, M42, M44, M31, M36, M37, M38.

Download Stellarium a really helpful free planatarium program that will help you find your way around.

Printing off some Telrad charts of the Meesier objects will be a good help.

Be aware that at the moment the moon is becoming quite bright and will wash out a lot of the DSOs, while the moon is about look at some double stars and open clusters.

Good luck.

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stellarium usually gives me a good idea of what to try and find. i slide the nebula filter option up to reveal a good selection of d.s.o's .

ah, sorry astroimp,you beat me to it .

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Be aware that at the moment the moon is becoming quite bright and will wash out a lot of the DSOs, while the moon is about look at some double stars and open clusters.

Or (gasp!) start in earnest with the moon. Easy to find and more fun than you can shake a stick at.;)

Not all of us think of Luna as mere "light pollution" ;)

Download Virtual Moon Atlas (free) to get started...

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a telrad will certainly help align the scope more easily.

currently my method is point at an area of sky and just when I find the object look at the drifting cloud. then find a new patch of sky and follow the same process! only joking.

as others suggest, it's a good idea to plan for sure and working through the objects in a constellation with a good star map (I use sky and telescope pocket atlas). very rewarding. I often do this but also often return to all my old favourties too like the orion nebula, double cluster and various double stars, planets, the moon, and varioble/open clusters.

the messier catalogue is a good list as is the lunar 100.

good luck, you have a great scope.

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I do Double Stars and Messier Objects find them in Stellarium, pull up the Telrad view on the screen, memorize the stars close by and transfer this to the real thing, gets better with time, the Telrad on Stellarium works only in Window Mode, Alt-O then click the choice box, You will ge side tracked reading these forums, somebody puts up a nice image, then its gotta have a look at that but that part of the fun..;)

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Thats Fantastic.!! New tool, thanks. - Sorry for the Hijack.

No no carry on!!! Brilliant stuff!!

Was looking at the moon a couple days ago, the Mrs asked why I'd spent 'all that money on a telescope just to look at the moon?' I showed her and she was nearly speechless, a miracle!! ;)

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Stellarium 11.2 is now on beta test for anyone wanting to try it out. Main thing for me is the New Ocular and Telrad facility. Now you don't need to have it in windowed mode and you can have the selection box active in the top right corner

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