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Humbling NGC4559...


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This little galaxy is found to the NE of the Coma Cluster and almost appears in my widefield of the area. To my disgust I found I'd just cropped off half of it but a bit appears in the top left corner of 200mm lens image below. Curses!

Even in the Yvesmobile (14 inch ODK) it was small and faint so this is a major crop. Rather a lot of effort for a small target! ;)

Red, green and blue had 3 hours each. Luminance had 5 hours and needs more but won't be getting it!! Total 14 hours.



Widefield of the Coma Cluster (brilliant in bins)...


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I wouldn't beat yourself over this Olly. Its a lovely spiral, with a good blue colour to it. Don't think I've seen it before. Good smooth background, I always like that. That one strong dusty spiral arm looks very unusual.

Great to see these small galaxies come to life.


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Its a great image. I saw this last on 22 March 2009 in my 10 inch scope. I recorded it as a faint patch only visible with averted vision and my humble drawing picks up the bright stars either side of the galaxy but no others.

I was looking at 2972/4 the other night in Leo. I bet your 14 inch could create a lovely image of those two.



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Thats a great image olly! Wouldn't have guessed it was cropped that much, which adds a lot to the image once you realize that. Also could you kind of point out in the wide field image where the crop is from? Can't figure out where its at.

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Thats a great image olly! Wouldn't have guessed it was cropped that much, which adds a lot to the image once you realize that. Also could you kind of point out in the wide field image where the crop is from? Can't figure out where its at.

Sure, just look at the top left edge of the wide image and directly below the right hand edge of the letter W above it there is a star-like streak half cropped off. It is smaller than the largest stars in the wide image. And that's it. No wonder I can't fill your screens with it!!

Thanks for the encouragement, all. It wouldn't do just to go for the classics but the next one from Yves' scope will be a bit better known!


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Damn I was looking forever for a 'W' shaped asterism, thinking how great your eye for these must be as I simply could not see it....as I gave up looking for the crop region noticed the text above...DOH!

As always Olly this is superb work being such a perfectionist of course you are worrying far too much over the crop there is so much detail in such a small object. Thanks for sharing ;)

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I must say I never thought remote imaging was that easy ;)

No seriously sometimes I really feel guilty, thinking on how to solve issues and then send instructions ... or have a crazy idea like, go shoot some Ha ... (I do ask it more polite though ;))

At the same time it's more rewarding then I could imagine, ok nothing beats imaging in person, but still ... I think I have learned more these 2 month's then in the past 2 years.


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