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My Newbie Tick off list

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Cash spent, rows over "where you going to keep it" just a faint memory and already getting to understand what cold is all about.

Now I need to keep myself motivated after the first wow moments have subsided so I've decided every time I go outside I'm going to try and add 1 new addition to my seen list - how hard can it be? - do my research BEFORE I go out and not frustratingly in the dark holding the red torch in my teeth whilst fumbling for references and spilling coffee everywhere.

So here goes






Milky Way

Castor resolved as a double star

(its early days as you can tell but I can't stop looking at some of these- especially M42)

Next time out


Anyone want to add please feel free (I know theres online suggestions but I'm just hoping easy list for beginners before getting ahead of myself with no GOTO)- I'm going to update as I go ahead but would appreciate any suggestions - with a new sighting each time we have a clear starry night I should easily be at about 8 by Christmas :p

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How about The Moon? :p

Also, there are lots of Open Clusters out there. (like Pleiades, but perhaps a bit less impressive). Search online for a list of Messier Objects and have a go at finding some of the Clusters listed there.


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Great idea Steve. I am thinking of doing exactly the same thing. I bought a note book with dividers, so can section items (planets, nebula, galaxies etc) and will spend some time comfortable, indoor time noting where and how to spot them for when out in the field. I prefer to go about this a bit 'raw' as part of the fun and learning is basically finding these objects. Plus it adds to the wow factor when you finally get something in your EP. The M31 Andromeda Galaxy may be worth putting on your list. Its definitely on mine. Ill keep an eye on how you get on and perhaps compare notes.


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Thanks guys - looks like I'm on the way - I'd never considered the moon but thats a great idea when its too bright in the sky to see anything else - investigate individual areas- will have to do some more research and to be honest I think now thats the key - Research before I go out - just one a t a time

M31 Added Lloyd - Andromeda brilliant.






Milky Way

Castor resolved as a double star

Next time out


M31 (Andromeda)

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I've been working through constellations and zodiac signs, just a couple each night when clouds allow. I hadn't realised how cloudy it is until I started doing this!

Tell me about it I did a 42 mile round trip to Brecon last night - left in the sun returned an hour later in the fog

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Planning is definitely a great idea Steve. I've lost count of the times ive been out there and then thought, "now what the hell do i look at?"

Couple more for your list....

Double Cluster NGC 884/869

Coathanger Asterism

Betelguese Red Giant

Albeiro Double

Polaris Double

Epsilon Lyrae Double Double

Beehive Cluster M44

Alcor/Mizar Double in Ursa Major

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I've been working through constellations and zodiac signs, just a couple each night when clouds allow. I hadn't realised how cloudy it is until I started doing this!

I know how you feel. I've had nothing but cloud for 5 solid nights now!

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keep them coming guys- great stuff will have my nights sorted for the next few months at this rate (hopefully all the newbie club here will find this of interest aswel) - Marc special thanks

Updated again -






Milky Way

Castor resolved as a double star

Betelguese Red Giant

Next time out



NGC 3077

Looking forward

M31 (Andromeda)





M44 (Bee Hive)


Double Cluster NGC 884/869

Coathanger Asterism

Albeiro Double

Polaris Double

Epsilon Lyrae Double Double

Alcor/Mizar Double in Ursa Major

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Without making your wish list too long, I thought i'd balance the open clusters with some of your first globular clusters.

A good start is:

M3 (Canes Venatici) - late evenings now.

M13 (Hercules) - mornings at the moment

M92 (also Hercules) - ditto

M5 (Serpens) - ditto

All four are bright (mag. 6) and easy to find, except perhaps M3 which might test your patience a little bit.

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Brilliant - thanks DKD - I've got a plan formulating - just need some clear skies now

Messier list / Map http://www.solarius.net/Pages/Articles/dbArticle.aspx?artid=messier_finders

Updated 28 Feb 2012






Milky Way

Castor resolved as a double star

Betelguese Red Giant

Next time out



NGC 3077

Looking forward

M31 (Andromeda)

M3 (Canes Venatici) - late evenings now (Feb /Mar))





M44 (Bee Hive)

M13 (Hercules) - mornings at the moment (Feb/Mar)

M92 (also Hercules) - (Feb/Mar)

M5 (Serpens) - (Feb/Mar)


Double Cluster NGC 884/869

Coathanger Asterism

Albeiro Double

Polaris Double

Epsilon Lyrae Double Double

Alcor/Mizar Double in Ursa Major

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Updated - thanks Venus

Messier list / Map http://www.solarius.net/Pages/Articl...essier_finders

Updated 28 Feb 2012






Milky Way

Castor resolved as a double star

Betelguese Red Giant

Next time out



NGC 3077

Looking forward

M31 (Andromeda)

M3 (Canes Venatici) - late evenings now (Feb /Mar))





M44 (Bee Hive)

M13 (Hercules) - mornings at the moment (Feb/Mar) - try late spring

M92 (also Hercules) - (Feb/Mar)

M5 (Serpens) - (Feb/Mar)


Double Cluster NGC 884/869

Coathanger Asterism

Albeiro Double

Polaris Double

Epsilon Lyrae Double Double

Alcor/Mizar Double in Ursa Major

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