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Good night or bad night

robbie c

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Hi everybody just wondering who had a good one and who didn't, got to say I had a brilliant night properly the best night in the short time I'v been doing this great hobby. The crescent moon was a nice start then moving on to Venus which was very bright can anybody tell me was there a crescent Venus as well or were my eyes deceiving me? moved on to Jupiter with its four moons on show its still looking great then done M42 and M45 two of my favourites then went in to warm up with a coffee before trying Mars for the first time wow that looks great a bit small but still enjoyed viewing it it looks so red could pick up a bit of detail but not a lot. My last target was Saturn that was the first planet I saw last year when I got my scope it was a bit late for it then as it was very low in the sky so this time I get to see it in all its glory (its strange its like welcoming an old friend back does anybody else that feeling if they haven't seen something for a long time) and it still has the wow factor so that was my nights viewing and a fantastic night it was when we get nights like that it makes it all worth while hope you all had a good night :D


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A good night for me....

Potted about an hours worth of images of NGC1977, but then the clouds rolled in so I packed up. Around about 10PM it cleared up, so got another couple of hours imaging on M105 and M51. Clouds again just after midnight...so hit the sack.

Hoping for more tonight...

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Don't think Venus was Crescent but it certainly wasn't full, I noticed that too. Cracking views with my 3x Barlow on. That is, between clouds and dew it was. Stayed up till around 2 am as I then viewed Mars for an hr or so. Bit of sky hopping.

Still not confident enough to try imaging yet. I still don't have all the basic ap gear yet either so I would probably only disappoint myself.

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Nothing doing here in Dublin for the last five nights or so, really frustrating. Was looking forward to the 6:30pm pass of the ISS this evening, but no chance it was a complete wipe out because of the cloud cover.

The forecast for the next 5 days is not great, just hope it clears for the Mars opposition next Sat night.

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