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Venus in New York


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Just got back from the Big Apple... Had a great time and was amazed that even amongst the light pollution it was possible to see some stars and planets. Snapped these as a reminder (don't blow up too much or you'll notice the camerashake!!).

Venus with the Rockefeller building


Venus and Saturn with New York skyline from the top of the Rockefeller centre (well worth a visit is you go to NY!)


Helen (jetlagged but happy :))

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Nice pics H. 8) My favourite is the first one.

Glad you had a good time. My girlfriend and I have been meaning to take a trip to New York for a few years now but never seem to get the time (I'm just finishing a part time Masters degree and she's just starting one)!! Makes sense at the moment with the £ to $ exchange rate!!?

Have you got any useful travel tips?? :)


Bill£ :)

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Thanks guys. We had a great time. We walked and walked and walked and hardly shopped at all (well, except Adorama :)).

Bill, I'll PM you with some deatiled hints and tips, but we stayed in an apartment rather than a hotel, still bang in the centre, and it worked really well. Loads to do and see, and great places to eat. Biggest tip is I think don't go in summer. On Saturday and Sunday it was 90 degrees :sunny: and the city became almost unbearable. Oh, and there's a helpful telescope shop :) if you go to Adorama ask for the telescope showroom and they'll direct you next door and up in an elevator to where Michael Peoples seem to spend his life on his own! Nice and helpful guy though once you get talking to him.

Bought a 3.3 focal reducer (£75) and a 36mm eyepiece (£45) and my friend bought me a 2.5 powermate :o Michael talked me out of the celestron electric focuser - going to wait until I can afford/justify a proper one!

Nice to be back. All I want now is some dark to test my new toys!


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Forgetting Venus for a second Helen, that shot of the rockerfeller building in view of dim light is really really good, to grab the light of the buildings like that, ok slight shake, is not an easy task at the best of times. And the angle of the picture, well, seems you have the ability for the rule of thirds. Great shot.

Blow that picture up slightly, put it in a black frame with light reflective glass and you will have one nice asset for your wall.

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New York is great fun to visit. I've been several times, last in 2001, while the WTC was still standing. I've never been up the Rockefeller building, though. Empire State Building a couple of times. I'll have to do that next time. Were you on a holiday, or business?

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I was on holiday WH. Rockefeller is good, and a bit quieter than the Empire State, and you get to sit on that famous beam (you know the one in the famous photo of the men having their lunch on a beam miles above the ground!).

I'd been a couple of times before in my younger days as I had a friend living there for a while. I really enjoyed it and wanted to go back. My husband has never fancied New York however, so I went with a friend. We had 5 nights - just enough we thought! Having been to the top of the WTC, which I considered a man-made wonder, on both previous occasions, I was interested particularly in going downtown... The atmosphere, as well as the skyline, had changed for me. Ground Zero is a strange place. Its now a very loud building site. The memorial to the fire fighters was the only thing that seemed to mean anything in that area. I'm glad I visited GZ, even though it didn't feel right.

My friend thoroughly enjoyed herself and now realises quite why I'd been saying its a place everyone should visit at least once given the chance!

(and I think we've even persuaded my husband to try it :wink:)


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