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Hi everyone,

Just joined a few days ago and have been lost in reading all the posts for tips and advice.

I am sure I will be asking lots of stupid questions so sorry about that.

Currently viewing with 15x70 binos and planisphere and am completely hooked and looking to get a bigger scope.

Fighting with light pollution living in Harrow in London and having Harrow Borough FC at the bottom of the garden (flood lights and all) so viewing is not just a case of trying to hope for clear skys!


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Thanks everyone for the welcome.

Flood lights can be annoying, usually they are off by 10pm, so get a chance to go out with the bins for a bit before bed if its not to cloudy which it has been at the moment.

I have to say though that when they are off and its not cloudy it isn't too bad. I have a full south facing garden and it gets pretty dark (well for London, you can't get away from that orange glow) with thankfully no security lights.

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I have been interested in what lies above us since I was a kid.Now having the time and the money, (within reason), to pursue various interests have decided to equip myself with a telescope and see what I can find out there. I did get my son a Tasco telescope years ago but all we found was the moon, (which was magnificent viewing). The stars were a little tricky in locating with the telescope. Stumbled across SGL the other night whilst perusing the long list of available to purchase telescopes.

Best regards


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