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Mr Flibble

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Thanks David, cant wait to see you guys again & looking forward to seeing Jupiter again, the image you managed to capture was awesome, what camera did you use?

Just the phillips webcam tich. I'm kinda pleased with it but its strictly average compared to many of the pics on here. Hopefully get another crack at it this autumn :grin:

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I have found that to post an image I need to click on the "More Reply Options" box on the lower right hand side here, then click on the "Browse..." box below, choose a photo, then click on the "Attach This File" box, and then click on the "Add This File" box.

Once my message was posted, I found that if I clicked on the photo, the image would enlarge to full size, and with better resolution.

EDIT: Hope this helps, took me awhile to figure out; I'm not the brightest when it comes to computers.

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Thanks Mike but there should be a way to post directly from the forum Gallery (as Tich has done above) without having to double click on your photo to resize it - I'm obviously doing something wrong but I will persevere until I crack it.

Help much appreciated as always

cheers Steve

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Cracked it Mike

I'm sure there's a better way but this is what I did

Save your photos in your gallery. Open up SGL in a separate tab and locate the photo in your library (SGL is now open in two tabs)

Double click on the thumbnail in your gallery, right click and select the photo size small, medium or large and the photo will resize - then right click the size adjusted photo again and just a simple copy and paste of the image into the relevant thread on the separate tab - as below - Simples (or actually rather convoluted but it does work)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ant I don't think its the 200p thats the problem I think its the Dobsonian Mount which Can't track Equatorially. I think you will be able to make a decent fist at planets and the moon but I think DSOs will be out of its range - better start saving for the EQ6 after the new scope makes its appearance mate.

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My 200P was on an EQ5 mount when I imaged the planets & the sun although I have recently upgraded to an EQ6 & brought a second hand DSLR to have a crack at some fuzzies when the darker skies start to draw in..

I've not long come back from holiday recently & Monday morning I was still awake by 2:00am & as I was just going to bed I happened to look out the window & saw this..


For a second I thought it was the northern lights but it's just the cloud formation on the horizon as daylight starts to beckon. Shame about the street lights spoiling it but it was nice to catch a few stars in the shot.

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Well if they are Tich that's pretty cool, and not just to see them but to get a good photo as well. I've yet to see them myself.

It was purely luck more than anything else David, although I might have another go at getting a couple more shots but away from those pesky street lights. I'm still learning my way round the DSLR as well & apart from the Solar shots I've managed most I've just set it up on an auto setting & let it run itself. That shot I just switched the flash off set the timer & pressed the button & the camera done the rest as a long exposure. I haven't even got a tripod so I just sat it on my eyepiece case in the window sill LOL....

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Thanks Mat, I've just been out this morning & drove out the village & managed to capture some more although I don't think the clouds look as good as my first attempt.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Just thought I'd share my first DSO attempts I did the other night as we finally had some clear skies. I know they aren't the best out there but I'm pleased with them. M13, M57 & M51. i think I've started a long slippery & wallet emptying slope!!





M51 definitely needed longer exposure time LOL :grin:



All taken using my Canon DSLR at ISO 800 & 30 second subs all pictures are a single frame & not processed or stacked (another thing I have to learn). I need to sort out the guiding for longer exposures so hopefully I'll sort that out in the future.

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Fingers crossed David all being well. I did get some star trailing but the mount was set up in a bit of a rush. Hopefully next time I'll be able to take a bit more time & get this guiding sorted out.

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