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Andy McK

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As Perrin6 said ^

Some of the answers were :

RichH "Oprah Winfrey", for which he was tuttutted by StephenF !

AlanD : "Black hole", for which he recieved a -10 hoot penalty and was chastised by Stephen that if there was a black hole nearby we would all be in trouble. **

CleverClogs Stephen then offered the "correct" answer as the Sun on the basis that the sun is the only object that does not reflect anything.

Not quite true, as JamesF ^.

Way back last century I remember radar reflection tests to detect Venus and the Sun.

The only refs I have found so far are

Solar radar



** However I think I remember reading that some bigbang models predict many mini blackholes which may be common, wooo scary ! :icon_confused: So Alan may have been correct after all.

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OK, so the sun is a real "blackbody radiator" IIRC (long time since I studied this stuff) but I believe that the definition that "every thing else in the solar system reflects light" therefore the sun is a blackbody must surely be wrong!?

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