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View through PST


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Hi, I'm thinking about getting a PST but was wondering what I would actually see through the scope. There are some fantastic enhanced pictures on SGL but from what I gather the view is a red / pink disc with little detail. Can anyone give me any idea of the true view ? Thanks Paul

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If you are expecting just a pink disc with little detail using a PST then you're in for a pleasant shock! :). A good, well tuned and focused one will show a wealth of detail, prominences, filaments, plages, sunspots and occasional flare activity. Granted, the view will not be quite as dramatic and contrasty as the best highly processed images shown on this forum but it will be satisfyingly close and well worth a comparison. As with most astronomical observations, care and practice are essential for best results.

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As with most astronomical observations, care and practice are essential for best results.

I very much agree - at first I was rather underwhelmed by the PST, but as I got the hang of it the detail started to pop out and it became a pleasure to use. A replacement for the rather poor standard eyepiece helped too.

One major difference between images and the eyeball view is scale; I found that I got best results with an 11 or 15mm Plossl, which show a reasonable fraction of the whole disk. Higher powers never seemed to give much more in the way of detail. In contrast, imaging tends to be at higher magnification giving a 'zoomed in' view of prominences and active regions that you don't really get visually.

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I have a collection of 3 (2nd hand!) PST's for various experimental purposes. Each give a visual view more in keeping with Roel's excellent sketch than Kev's early unprocessed image. I know that not all PST's are "equal" but maybe I've been lucky. :)

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I have a collection of 3 (2nd hand!) PST's for various experimental purposes. Each give a visual view more in keeping with Roel's excellent sketch than Kev's early unprocessed image. I know that not all PST's are "equal" but maybe I've been lucky. :)

More likely my lack of photographic skill against Roels abundance of artistic skill :) but I do think my early image is probably closer to a real visual view rather than the highly detailed wavelet processed images

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