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Hello from Bristol!


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Hello to all.

Please can somebody steer me in the right direction to ask about what is the best telescope to buy for around £150ish?

I would love to purchase a telescope that will bring me the night sky a little closer so me and my two young daughters can share together.

Unfortunately being unemployed right now, I don't have the budget to blow on an excellent telescope.

I have been told that the Celestron telescopes are decent and the choice is between the 130 and the 114EQ. Looking at some reviews the 114 comes out tops!

Which section should I place this question in please?

Thanks ;)

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Hi and welcome to the forum

The best place to ask is in the beginner 'Help and Advice' section. As a brief answer to your question I would say that there are a number of scopes that will help you see the sky but the best 'type' of scope that will offer you the best value for money will be a dobsobian. The celestron you mentioned is a good scope but the mount is the problem as it's too twitchy. Every time you move the scope or touch the focuser the scope wobbles about and when you are manually moving the scope to track an object at higher magnifications, viewing becomes very difficult. The red dot finder on the 130 scope is too bright and awkward to adjust. A dobsonian presents an easier viewing position, especially for children (you didn't say your daughters ages) and the mount more intuitive to use.

Hope that helps for now but a post to the above section will help you get more advice.

Clear skies from a fellow Bristolian!


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hi merton and family welcome to sgl for the money you have a would go for the reflector, save a little more if you can and go for the sky-watcher 150p. they built like tanks and offer god value for money and as already said,they are better for the kids and offer great views of every thing.let us no what you order in the end


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Hi Merton69,

Welcome to SGL. Before you commit your hard earned cash I would see if there is a local astro group near you that you can pop along to. Most are delighted to let you look through their kit, it might firm up your decision on what you want and something might turn up second hand, more bang for buck that way.

Good Luck with your choice.

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Hi Merton and welcome to SGL. I'd also go with a dobsonian but choosing the aperture can be tough since 'light fever' sets in and you then always want a larger scope than the one you have. I suggest one around 8-10", which will give you great views while not being too cumbersome to move, set up and store.

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