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Seeing colour on Jupiter with naked eye.


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Hi all

I just have a quick observational query for you. As i was leaving the house tonight Jupiter was up there in the east @ 7:30pm (as it is). The skies were crystal clear and very calm apart from the Moon washing out part of the sky. I am convinced that i detected a slight beige colour on Jupiter with my eyes.

Is this even possible?. My skies would not be anywhere near "dark skies" level,but they are not too bad really in my locale.

I know the eyes are not good at detecting colour over vast distances. Maybe the colour i detected was some pollutants in the air or even some very thin hazy high level cloud?

Thanks in advance.


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Normally with my naked eyes..........Mars looks red/orange,Saturn looks golden yellow,Venus looks white.

I have never seen Jupiter with the naked eye as anything other then white. Tonight thought with my eyes it was beige maybe even a light biscuit colour (pretty much as i see it with my scopes but not as vivid).

Could tonight have been the best ever seeing conditions in my area and i missed it by going out to dinner!!!!.

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I must admit I never really see colour in anything. Even jupiter, which many people describe as pink or brownish, I just see as shades of grey through the scope.

I'm sure there is huge variation in eyesight though which accounts for this.

My eyes are very different. My right sees objects more brightly but with very poor definition. My left gives me a very good view with more detail but lower brightness. I can see moon and shadow transits on jupiter with my left eye but not my right.

I'm sure what you saw is possible. Everyone sees their own version of events and it is correct based upon their own eyesight


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Very true Stu (with or without optical aides). I was just blown away that for the 1st time in my life i seemed to detect colour on Jupiter with the naked eye.

Maybe people see this every time they see Jupiter with the naked eye and are wondering why i am so excited.

It was a first for me.

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I've always seen it as a pale yellowish colour, likewise Venus looks brilliant white, Mars is orangey, and saturn a yellowish colour too, and my eyes these days are by no means perfect!


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It must be all down to individuals' eyes, I see Jupiter as a pale biege colour and the rings often look fairly brown. With regards to how our eyes work, colour is detected less when an object is further away, but because it usually means it is also dimmer in brightness. Jupiter is practically next door and much brighter than most other targets, so seems surprising not all of us see colours.

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I have seen a slight baigey colour to Jupiter naked eye, but not much else.

I have seen Jupiter turn a very greeney colour (just like Uranus) when it has been very low in the sky (about 10 degrees altitude), but as it rose it has then looked more normal! :D It did look very odd!

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