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Hello all!

I've joined up first and foremost to gather information, as my boyfriend has been interested in astrophotography for a while, but hasn't taken the plunge and bought any equipment.

So, Christmas is almost upon us, and hopefully i can, with your guidance, get him at least a fantastic starter kit so he can achieve some reasonable results.

I am looking for a telescope and mount (2nd hand is fine), the best deal i can get for a couple/few hundred (can't go nuts, it's his 40th in Jan as well :S) that will best allow him to take decent photographs. Should I be asking this in a separate thread?

I've had a search through this forum and have learnt quite a bit already, most of which fits into the category of 'girl, you know nothing'. I'd appreciate your succint advice, and i will continue to scour the similar threrads already to build up my knowledge.

I think the reality is that it will eventually be him that makes enough posts to visit the for sale board, as i don't want to fill your board with nonsense just to visit there!

So, i hope this isn't poor etiquette of me to join just to ask for your guidance, but it would help me make a good decision that ensures he enjoys the hobby! I have enough hobbies already, but i suspect this one will get me, as well!

thank you in advance :)


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Hi Mew and welcome to the forum.

Imaging can be split into two camps. The moon and planets using a webcam, the best of the frames stacked on top of each to make a composite image. Can be performed on any equipment as the objects being so bright will not require long exposures and precise tracking. Then there is imaging Deep Sky Objects (DSO's) such as galaxies and nebula which represents the majority of the images that you see in magazines. Here the objects are faint, further away and so require long exposures to capture their faint light but as a consequence, the tracking that helps follow these objects as they move through the sky must be accurate. Imaging of this kind starts with the mount first which will mean a minimum HEQ5 mount. They can be found second hand but as you might imagine, they don't hang around for long.

Imaging on a budget can be done using the webcam approach with free software programs downloaded from the internet or you can do widefield shots with a simple digital camera of a tripod (must be able to time the exposure) and this is known as widefield imaging. Imaging is very popular especially in the second market because the original kit isn't cheap. Steve Richards "Making Every Photon Count" (First Light Optics £19.95) is a very comprehensive guide to all the kit that you will need and why you need it. I wouldn't rush into any purchasing until you know exactly what it is you will need in order to determine a proper budget. Most people focus on the data capture side of imaging and although there exists free software, their is other software that needs to be paid for too - they don't call it the 'dark side' for nothing! :)

Clear skies


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Thanks for the welcomes and replies folks :) What a splendid bunch you are!

James, thanks for the suggestion of that book, I've seen it recommended on here before so thats a must I reckon!

I'll have to read it in secret so my OH doesn't get wind of what I'm getting him!

I've looked around for the HEQ5 (having read some of the threads on here) but no joy finding a second hand one, a few new on the 'bay, but not in a price range that would allow me to get him a 'scope as well. At the same time, I'd rather spend my money wisely and get the right kit. No point skimping now and having to replace it later on.

Actually, the more I read about this, the more I want to buy this for MYSELF!

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You know what - I would buy it for myself as it sounds like you might be discovering a hidden passion there, after all, you can always him to join in with you who can show him how its done!


LOL - don't get me started! My hobbies (i'm a bassist) are already scarily expensive, why I couldn't have picked something like 'jogging'? Although, knowing me I'd manage to turn that into something epic.

I do like the idea of knowing more than him and telling him how it's done, though :)

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Hi Mew, welcome from me too

I think you'll have no trouble racking up 50 posts trying to decide what way to go with astrophotography... and the For Sale section would be a good place to start looking for bargains - this hobby can consume cash quicker than a Jimmy Choo fetish :)


(still saving for her first pair of Jimmy's)

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(still saving for her first pair of Jimmy's)

Lol Jenna, same here. I spend all my shoe money on bass pedals and gadgets! (I think I'm gonna rack up 50 posts just in this thread!)

@Nexus Pretend she just told you she wants to start astrophotography and type your answer in here :)

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! You're all delightful. I can see I'm gonna enjoy my boyfriends new hobby :p

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Welcome to SGL,Mew :)

Might be worth looking at a entry level scopes first.

Then see if he still has the bug after visual observing.

Before taking the big and sometimes expensive step of astrophotography....


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