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19th Aug DBK Jupiter


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Since my last shambolic efforts to get my DBK up and running a few months ago on Saturn I'd almost given up on it as an expensive paperweight. But I guess you just need to wait for the right subject to roll into view.

Taken just after 5am today with a 2x barlow. God I'm knackered...


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Very nice J/h:icon_salut::).....I'd say you were on your way for this apparition.....any improvements on this will mean that you'll be getting some very good images as opposition approaches - nicely processed....!:D:headbang::(

Thanks K. The extra altitude on Jupiter is really making a difference this year isn't it! Looking at my SPC shots from last year its like loooking at a different, blurry, poorly shot planet. We're going to have a lot of amazing images to look at for the next few months. Personally If I don't have me a 'two hours of rotation' movie from the DBK by the end of the year I'll be pretty disappointed in myself. Thats my aim.

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Super image J and you managed to get the GRS.

Can I ask how many frames you used?


Ah, I wish. Unfortunately thats not the great red spot there. The GRS was visible around midnight but by 5am was well round the back. In this shot is its smaller cousin which has still been around a long time. It was visible in all my shots from last apparition aswell.

Regarding frames. In the 1 minute 20 second capture I got 2400 frames of which I used 578 for this one.

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