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Show us your observing location view....here's mine!


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This should make you feel better then. Here's the back yard where I have my imaging setup. There's an annoying fluorescent street lamp that illuminates the whole garden. To the south there are industrial greenhouses with tungsten lights on all night. And to the North and East is Schiphol airport.

Many of my regular guests come from the Netherlands. Once when I was discussing the menu they said 'No tomatoes! We hate tomatoes! All those plastic polytunnels lit up with bright orange light all night. We won't eat the things!!!'


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Many of my regular guests come from the Netherlands. Once when I was discussing the menu they said 'No tomatoes! We hate tomatoes! All those plastic polytunnels lit up with bright orange light all night. We won't eat the things!!!'


Olly, lets see your observing location........i never tire of seeing it, it's simply amazing :)

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Well here's my 2p's worth....

East, South, West.....North is over my house

The stack in the East is the heating plant for a hospital and just to the right of it is the helecopter landing pad.

All pics taken from over the roof of the obs, it must be said thet I can't actualy see any of this from the obs - I look over it all.




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This is my view just west of due south, down to the coast.

The council has been replacing all the streetlights with energy saving ones, which has created a noticeable reduction in LP. Unfortunately, when they changed ours they moved it 1 house down the road - instead of being behind my house it's in the gap, shining straight at my scope :)

I have contacted them and a shield should be fitted soon ('by the end of the week' I was told a month ago :))


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Here is mine. South is the right hand edge of the pool (no trampoline). Not bothered by the bungalow and trees in the way as objects are too low.

Just have to contend with the neighbor leaving there outside light on, the wife's numerous solar powered lights and a floodlit five-a-side football pitch to the south.


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Well here's my 2p's worth....

East, South, West.....North is over my house

The stack in the East is the heating plant for a hospital and just to the right of it is the helecopter landing pad.

All pics taken from over the roof of the obs, it must be said thet I can't actualy see any of this from the obs - I look over it all.

You won't get any LP from the burned out house at least!

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Eventually got this done. It looks worse here than it is. Average horizon is 15° and no street lights on this side of the house.

The point on the shed roof is South and the back door of the house is north. Gloucester is due north so most of my sky points away from the skyglow


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Wow what a hurting thread for those of us who have to struggle with light pollution!

Some stunning places I am very jealous of guys.

James for the lack of a local pizza place and having to drive to a shop I would live where you are 1000x over. Don't ever doubt the place, treasure what you have because some of us are very much less fortunate :)

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Mines pants too, 3 streetlamps and next doors annoying security light.

Having said that I have managed to sight a very faint milky way and have viewed the ring nebula M57 yet struggle with Andromeda M31.

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Here's mine.

Facing pretty well due South, but the balcony wobbles (a lot) with every passing car below.

The landlord has a deck on the roof but won't give me access.

I will threathen to move if he won't let me go up there.

Not seen in the picture, the overhang of the balcony above, which is a big limiting factor. Also I can't polar-alignn (Can't see Polaris).

However, there are wonderful nights when trhe Moon is low and I don't even have to step out onto the balcony. Observing in slippers from the livijng room...Pure bliss.


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