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Hi from Northumberland UK everyone

Just got a Skywatcher SkyHawk 1145P off the wife for my birthday last month.....finally arrived 4 weeks late about 5 days ago. I am a complete novice, but have set it up and just been out in the back yard looking at some stars and stuff. Really looking forward to some proper clear sky so that I can have a go at spotting some really cool stuff.....especially Saturn!!

I have a couple of questions if that's OK?

I was looking at a bright star in the west just after sun down.....I presume this is Venus??

Also I noticed when playing around with the eye pieces that using the 25mm, even with the Barlow, manual focussing was OK, however when I used the 10mm on its own and with the Barlow, focussing was a nightmare......lots of wobbling around as I was turning the knob. So, I thought there must be some kind of electronic focusing motor available for my scope that I can just attach.....anyway, after much searching Online I am still none the wiser. So, any advice as to if they are available, and if so, which is the best one to get (value for money)!!

Not sure about buying all the motorized gubbins for the mount yet as I quite fancy having a go manually using co-ords (or whatever they are called) as that to me is half the thrill.....Lets face it, anyone can plug in a computer and tell it to point at something pre-programmed eh!

Anyway, any advice on some nice things to look at would be good.



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Hi Dave, welcome to the forum. You have a nice scope. I would say have a go at The skies are too light for appreciating galaxies and nebulas fully, but M81 M82 and M13 are all good targets for this time. Good luck!

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Yes, got stellarium.....WOW its good....and I now feel like a plug as searching for Venus using it, clearly that bright star I was looking at wasnt....:hello2:.

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Funnily enough, I had exact the opposite when I was starting out. Saw a *really* bright star, and just pointed my telescope towards it for the hell of it. I immediately saw a crescent and thought "blimey,I am looking at Venus." :hello2:

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This Stellarium is great....I could sit and play on it all night, even though the clouds are out....ha ha ha.

Just a quick one though. I am setting up my scope and eye pieces. When setting the eyepieces SW Super 10mm and 25mm I have used an FOV of 52. With the x2 Barlow, does this make the focal lengths 5mm and 12.5mm with an FOV of 25, or does the FOV stay the same??

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