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Ebay bargins!


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Yes they can be found, once in a blue moon!

What astro-related ebay bargins have you found?.

my latest..4-1.25 filters (red/blue/yellow/green) Anodized aluminium/glass construction..delivered for the sum of £3.70:D

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I think my best was a Skywatcher 10" dobsonian that had only been used a couple of times - £100 "buy it now" :) So I did ...............

Even with the 200 mile round trip to pick it up it was a total bargain.

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I was watching a SW 200P/HEQ5 Syntrek due to end at lunchtime a couple of Saturdays back. It was due to end whilst I was on a train on the way into London.

The marvels of modern technology allowed me to monitor the auction, which was stuck at £325 and place a bid at the death which I did....

... just as we entered a very old tech tunnel and my bid placed about 10 seconds after auction close.

Somebody got a screaming Ebay bargain because it finished at £325 and I'd bid £550.:)

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I was watching a SW 200P/HEQ5 Syntrek due to end at lunchtime a couple of Saturdays back. It was due to end whilst I was on a train on the way into London.

The marvels of modern technology allowed me to monitor the auction, which was stuck at £325 and place a bid at the death which I did....

... just as we entered a very old tech tunnel and my bid placed about 10 seconds after auction close.

Somebody got a screaming Ebay bargain because it finished at £325 and I'd bid £550.:)

Owch thats harsh, I feel your pain!

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I think my best was a Skywatcher 10" dobsonian that had only been used a couple of times - £100 "buy it now" :eek: So I did ...............

Even with the 200 mile round trip to pick it up it was a total bargain.

Well done, Hope some thing come my way.:)

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Well done, Hope some thing come my way

You've got to keep on looking - and get to know the good stuff from the not too good so you know what's worth bidding on and what's not :)

Also beware the E.Bay end of auction crazyness - I've seen stuff go for more than it can be bought new for sometimes - as a guide I'd say pay no more than 60% of the new price and thats for a mint condition item.

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Being 'all scoped out' atm, I am resisting temptation, just! I think my best thus far was the Skymax 90 for 50 of your earth quids and only a 45 minute ride on the FXR, across Manchester, to collect it.

what happened to your 110?

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Still got them, TAL-1#1 is set up for webcamming, that was a 40 quid bargain, I had to travel to Sowerby Bridge to collect that in the c*r, so no bonus there, TAL-1#2 is promised to a pal up north, to tide him over until he can get his own scope, that was 20 quid but a mammoth drive upto scotchland, so hardly a real bargain, but I was collecting some Land Rover parts, so it could be included I guess.

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my knackered eyes (and brain) when you said scoped out, i thought you had got rid.

was it your TAL that needed TLC when you picked it up a while back, a refurb job?

It's ye olde Prinz 84mm that needs the refurb, it still guns well, but is rather tatty. I'm going to put a 1-1/4" focuser on it too, so I can use 'proper' EPs instead of those 'action man' ones...

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I think my best bargain was my 6" f11 OOUK dob with 1/6PV optics and HILUC coatings. I bought it for the princely sum of £114.50 and like John had to travel from Manchester to Southampton to collect it but all in maybe £160 so still a very decent reduction from the new price which I think was £400-450. This is by OOUK's admission a 'collector's item' with very few ever made/sold although they still do them by special order I think.

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Oh, how could I forget! My Obsy! At the time I was reluctant to drop 800 on a whim, but recently, as a result of a bidding war, one went for 1650 of those highly valued earth quids, then another was rapidly scooped up at 900 BIN! Taking into account vitrually free carriage, I'd say it was a bit of a bargain! Plus it has an internal light (retina melter, but I sprayed the lamp a sort of red for now) and a 6 gang power set ready to plug the extension into.

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... just as we entered a very old tech tunnel and my bid placed about 10 seconds after auction close.

Somebody got a screaming Ebay bargain because it finished at £325 and I'd bid £550.:eek:

Serves you right for sniping :)

I'm a traditional bidder: I will put in a bid for 550 and leave it at that to proxy bid on its own.

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