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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. Just too cold for me tonight. I still captured a nice amount of SER files on Jupiter. My fingers were too numb to change to an IR pass filter for a second load of captures.
  2. Out capturing Jupiter again tonight then a little visual. Too cold for a lengthy session.
  3. It's clear here in Oxford but it's just too cold. I couldn't even change a filter as my fingers were like bananas. I'm calling it for tonight. Caught a load of SER's of Jupiter.
  4. Yes I just noticed on the MET app that they forecast clouds from 6-8pm. I had a few teething problems first time out but hopefully they are behind me. I keep forgetting to check the Jetstream ๐Ÿ™„, but saying as I'm all set up I will push ahead anyway. I will take your advice and try the IR pass filter tonight and also Uranus. I originally fitted an electric focuser but it was faulty and just kept motoring without turning the focuser. I have now removed it so back to manual. I will have to get another one or a dual speed focuser. Hitting the happy spot can be challenging manually with a single speed. How do you reach focus Kostas?
  5. Iโ€™m still going to be flogging away at Jupiter basically until itโ€™s no longer feasible. I have just set everything up for tonight and the clouds are starting to make an appearance. As I just started planetary imaging roughly 4 months ago I need all the practice I can get.
  6. Welcome to SGL ๐Ÿ‘‹.
  7. A sack barrow makes moving a 12โ€ a piece of cake even over a distance. As long as you donโ€™t encounter any considerable obstacles.
  8. If I were you I would stick with the 130p. You really wouldn't notice the jump to the 150p. With a focal length of 650mm you would want to get some shorter focal length eyepieces like a 4mm Nirvana which would give you 167x which would be good for the planets and moon with a wider FOV(less nudging).You could also get a 2x barlow for your existing eyepieces depending on what size they actually are.
  9. I also owned the SL 12" but sold it in favour of a 10" go to dobsonian. I found that the optics on the SL were excellent and the scope was easy to move and manoeuvre around on a sack barrow. I just had to fit longer feet on the base to allow the sack barrow to easily slide underneath the base. I now use the same process with my 10" go to. I agree that the SL 12" would benefit from having handles which I would have no doubt added had I kept it.
  10. On the question of whether to get a telescope or not it's a resounding yes from me. Whilst I only too well grasp the frustrations of the British weather I still think that everyone who wants to try astronomy for themselves should. The sight of Saturns rings and the belts of Jupiter should be a sight for everyone to behold. Where they go from there is an open question depending on each individuals experience. I can recall my first ever views through my first telescope at 9 years old which was a 114mm reflector and it has stuck with me some 54 years later. Our niche hobby constantly requires new blood IMO.
  11. Welcome back to SGL ๐Ÿ‘‹.
  12. You need to adjust both sets of screws to prevent any mirror shift while slewing the scope. Each pair are a push/pull arrangement.
  13. The 180 Maksutov is a great scope for lunar and planetary. Sharp as a tack.
  14. While the 678 is maybe slightly better for your scope on the planets I would still go for the 585 for the moon. You will be able to photograph larger areas of lunar surface with the 585 due to its larger sensor. It's a horses for courses scenario in which what you get on one hand you may lose in the other. You can't really go wrong with either.
  15. It's just a personal preference of mine. I actually prefer an unfiltered view.
  16. I just keep my case tightly closed and a couple of chosen eyepieces in my pocket. I do use a dew band on my eyepiece when the dew is bad or it's below zero.
  17. Careful with those small orthos there Stu. Don't suck too hard๐Ÿ™‚.
  18. It's actually designed for both visual and AP. I bought the Baader Neodymium filter but haven't used it in years.
  19. They are recessed. If they were missing the mirror would be moving all over the place.
  20. A 1.5x barlow will get him spot on at F15. As you say it will also be better for DSO's should the OP decide to move in this direction.
  21. I find that the 585 is great for planetary. Larger sensor makes planets acquisition easier. 200fps with ROI. Sensitive in the IR. Better efficiency.
  22. Lovely piece of craftsmanship. Makes a great decoration piece.
  23. @RimuRidgeRakiura Check the collimation of your new scope as you should still be able to see the bands on Jupiter despite poor seeing. They may not be sharp but they are definitely seen.
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