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Status Updates posted by JB80

  1. I've misplaced my collimator, it's not in the fridge and I'm out of ideas.

    1. JB80


      Found it! 'twas in a box.

      I have been looking for that all week.

    2. foundaplanet


      Was the box in the fridge..:)

    3. JB80


      No, I think that is what threw me off the trail.

  2. Ahhh... Camera tripod is broken and I can't get auto blend in PS to work.

    1. JB80


      Auto blend sorted

    2. foundaplanet


      Moore gear money needed for tripod then..:( never ends does it!

    3. JB80


      Exactly, thought I was in the clear for a while. Maybe I can get a replacement bit otherwise I'll get an upgrade for x-mas. Hopefully I can get away with my back up for use with the Polarie.

  3. Been a big solar afternoon and now time for a quick lunar session and on to Jupiter before a well earned lay down and drink. Possibly some food too.

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Hard work all this solar imaging ain't it.

    2. Luke


      I think your rain has come here, Jarrod :-o I am bracing myself for a tough summer solar period, sun tan lotion, sunglasses, cold drinks, baseball caps, but you do what ya gotta do :D

    3. JB80


      Hard life aint it. :D At one point they were saying tomorrow was going to be 31°c here but that has been revised to a brisk 26° now.

  4. Got a ASI120MM today, ta family :)

    1. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Nice! really neat cameras, those ASI120s

    2. JB80


      It looks the business, not sure if it will get a first light tonight though, too many b'day drinks. Then again.... maybe after the football.

    3. Amra


      Cool, congrats. :)

  5. Blizzard!!

    1. Daniel-K


      roasting in liverpool

    2. foundaplanet


      Roasting what chicken..:)

  6. Perpetual twilight now until mid July.

    1. foundaplanet


      It was my birthday last week and it's starting to feel like perpetual twilight all the way in from here..;)

    2. JB80
  7. Moving shouldn't be this stressful.

    1. rowan46


      statistically its up there with death and divorce as most stressful times of life

    2. JB80


      Hah, that's reassuring. I think it was a bad couple of days I was having waiting on moving companies that should have settled their dates weeks ago. As it is we leave in 10 days but have no idea what day our stuff will arrive.

  8. Seeing is shameful, I might give up for the night and settle in.

    1. Qualia


      Pretty rough here as well. Strong winds have started up, so I've packed away the gear. Weekend was good but February in general has been a shameful month.

    2. JB80


      Yeah the wind picked up after I typed this, even if it's clear like now it has been so windy. Definitely my numbers last year were almost daily for February. Not this year though.

  9. I should really trobleshoot some solar imaging in time for tomorrows eclipse, might just enjoy the day instead.

    1. allcart


      Hope you get a look . too far north here.

    2. JB80


      Just checked, the forecast looks good, 26°c and sunny and I should have both white light and a Ha scope plus a little solar projector. Fingers crossed.

  10. PST Adaptor arrived today. :)

    1. Viv


      Nice one - Is the adaptor for imaging ?

    2. JB80


      Actually it's the nose piece for the PST black box for a Stage1 mod. Just need to pull the PST apart and I can attach it.

  11. 30 odd day run of solar shots broken. Oh well.

    1. tingting44


      what a hell of a run tho! :D

    2. JB80


      Yeah, I can't really complain.

  12. I'm in Lunar stacking hell. Both Regi's didn't work and Avistack is taking hours.

    1. JB80


      It says there is 35 hours left, that can't be right.

  13. Ye gads, I think I just did some astronomy

  14. My motor focuser is playing up, grrrr

  15. Insert generic weather complaint here.

  16. So much moisture in the air last couple of nights. :(

    1. Ccolvin968


      Same here. :-( my ep's had dew on them left and right.

  17. Epoxy will grind of the top of the tiles on a mirror grinding tool, right? I've made a mess :p

  18. Last 24 hours in Belgium. It feels weird.

    1. ronin


      More or less weird then the first 24 hours in Belgium ?

  19. 8mm Fisheye has arrived. Wow! It's wide.

  20. The craters on the moon are doing that thing where they look like mountains. Cool effect!

  21. 6 hours in and still processing. Astraimage3.0 isn't the fastest.

  22. Hah! My finder was off and I imaged Mercury by mistake. I was wondering why it was out of phase for Venus.

  23. Is 110km from centre line too far to see an ISS solar transit?

  24. Going to need an arc if this rain keeps up.

  25. Getting fed up with this humidity, 80% every night for two months. Arrgh!

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