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Everything posted by scotty38

  1. I didn't know about the auto scaling so maybe wouldn't have been too much of an issue. I use it for work too so I didn't want to end up with ridiculously small text. If it was just for say PI and RDP to my imaging PC it wouldn't have been an issue anyway. I should have been clearer for sure but the scaling you mention is possibly the answer, thanks.
  2. Yep that's why i was suggesting to cool more slowly to see if it made a difference in this case.
  3. I must admit I only ever cool my QHY294 to -5c anyway. I think I looked at the graphs and it seemed like not much to be gained by going cooler.......
  4. What happens if you try cooling more slowly or don't cool so much?
  5. Sorry but I have to ask the stars seem to have strong artifacts, is that just the jpg used for displaying on here?
  6. Thanks and my thoughts entirely, totally agree.
  7. hmm very odd and I assume NINA is pointing at the new location?
  8. Sorry, I meant the reinstall of the offline files pointing at a whole new directory otherwise it probably still contains your rogue file.
  9. Pointing at a whole new location? If so and you don't fix it in the meantime I'll have a look myself later and see how the offline stuff works, see if I can work it out.
  10. I'm guessing you shouldn't need to do that. I am assuming you know the directory where you pointed the offline files to? Also assuming that's not used for anything else then getting rid of everything in there and then installing the offline files again "should" put it back to the beginning again..... I think...... but just check what's in there first don't take my word for it as I'd have used a clean directory for the files but obv I don't know where you put them......
  11. Ah I see. Not sure as I've never really used that feature so can only assume you've added your file to the database so even updating the "main" database still leaves your file there. If you go and look can you spot your file by its name or coordinates and get rid if needed?
  12. Make up the price difference and I'll order it today 🙂
  13. I don't have NINA in front of me right now but at the top you can select the source so rather than "image" or whatever it may say choose "hips2fits". Platesolving near the Meridian can be problematical but I would also choose ASTAP anyway, far, far quicker once set up.
  14. Added some more data and had a try with the GHS script for stretching. Not sure if this is an improvement so might need to work on the subtleties of the script 🙂
  15. Thanks very much. Kit is ready and waiting, looking promising that I'll add to it tonight!
  16. Thought I'd put the scope out last night and take a chance of some clear sky. Left it running all night and between all the clouds I ended up with just: 6 x 300s Ha 8 x 300s Sii 10 x 300s Oiii STF and EZ Denoise in PixInsight. I'll try and do a bit more with it when I get some more data I reckon.
  17. I have an old i5 and 16GB of RAM and dream of 160 lights taking under 2 hours..... Spare a thought for the little guys 🙂 🙂
  18. ha that would actually not be a bad shout I guess at some point. I'm actually "testing" my kit on this very target at the moment as I'm waiting on my permanent setup. I only just got the mono camera and filters so I'm kidding myself I'm just playing at the minute and none of it matters if I mess up 🙂 🙂
  19. Agreed and I should have been clearer in my statement. I did say get rid of intermediate files blah blah but of course you'd need to keep any necessary calibration files of course.
  20. Agreed, keep the lights and get rid of all the other intermediate files, debayered, calibrated, registered etc.
  21. I take it you can download and load an object ok, say M16 from hips2fits in the first instance?
  22. I bought a 32" monitor a short while back and I'm glad I didn't get 4k, it would have been a miserable experience in my opinion so as above do make sure it's really what you need if you go down that route....
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