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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Amazing Uranus. I am really looking forward to your captures with the new setup!
  2. There is an option to derotate video, is that advisable or you need excellent seeing for that to work?
  3. I can see why you are so excited to have the new larger Dob.
  4. Fly me to the moon 🌒.! Incredible.
  5. Fantastic animation. You should probably put it on its own thread to get visibility.
  6. Excellent image and processing. I love the three moons there.
  7. Thanks Reggie. I read some of the reports in the observing session mentioning the softness like you. We seem to be hammered with bad weather recently. Kostas
  8. Great images with loads of nice details, especially the inverted colour one.
  9. Wind combined with incoming Jetstream I think made it so soft. That was at 530am. I thought the high elevation may help.
  10. Mars from this morning. Not the best conditions. It is getting bigger so looking forward to some good conditions. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. Resized 150%.
  11. Now you are talking my language about simplicity of the dob 😉. Indeed, these days it is almost grab and go to the garden. (looking around about the EQ platform). Thanks for the comment.
  12. Thanks Stuart. No worries, it can happen with so many images being uploaded when the weather is decent 😉
  13. Thanks, I somehow missed your comment.
  14. Very nice capture and you are right about the Olympus.
  15. Fantastic session with your daughter! My 5 year old daughter likes observing the moon whereas my 7 year old son nebulas like his dad. Was Mrs Stu aware of the late night shenanigans 😅?
  16. I totally agree trying to squeeze as much as we can out of our captures.
  17. You are in good hands with Neil. I really value his advice as well. To be perfectly honest and in my eyes, adding all the data together has not brought out more features. Your original last image has as many details as this one I reckon. That's with my limited experience. The new workflow on the edge rind, has made it look very nice and smooth.
  18. Thanks Nik. It would be so so cool to actually be there! Unfortunately it's coming down in a few years 😪.
  19. After months of either bad weather or not visible passes, I managed to capture ISS at 545am this morning. The elevation was only 55 degrees but at this angle you get a nice reflection of the sun on the panels. Several modules are docked: SpaxeX Dragon, Progress 82, Soyuz-MS22. Awful seeing at the 55 degrees but managed some stacked frames. I also made an animation of my capture. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. PIPP, Autostakert, Registax for mild wavelets and Astrosurface for colour saturation.
  20. Their first DSO is really exciting, isn't it? My son saw the M42 when he was 5 and now at 7 he is always asking to see nebulas. Not so interested in planets although Saturn is a crowd pleaser. Try M57 with your son as well; smaller but the little donut makes for it.
  21. Quick Mars grab at 530am today. Wind and jet stream on full blown. Some details are coming through but the disc is getting bigger and easier to process in my hands. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. 1.5x drizzle.
  22. That's a very nice image with lots of details.
  23. Thanks Joe. Yes it is. I will be processing the images later as I have to manually check quality and stack. (I just wish it was closer to Mars, it would have been awesome pic). I will post in the Widefield etc imaging section.
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