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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Excellent Mars and good to see you managed a clear night. Hardly any edge rind as well. Lovely colour balance too. I hope you are keeping covid under wraps.
  2. I am not sure why in my case was there. I usually shoot 5 min videos but I derotate the image. I have not tried with derogating videos. I have a few sec gaps as i recenter in my manual capture. This is what came out of registax with only 20% wavelets before going into winjupos with the rest of the images. The rind is there. Stacking artefact possibly?
  3. 😬...I hope just seasonal cold!
  4. Oh no , I keep my fingers crossed for you that you haven't caught it! Typical with weather when something is on. My sky was absolutely brilliant at 5am this morning with frost but I had to be on an early train. I hope you get a break in the weather, and keep that virus away! Thanks for the positive comment.
  5. Thanks Neil. I was surprised to have got a bit of gap. Thick fog tonight. I hope nothing too serious.
  6. Thanks for the comment. I have no issue with my pipp. I also shoot at 300fps and I regularly get 60-70000 frames. I use the default quality settings and vary between 60-80% of the frames. Is it worth uninstalling and reinstalling it in case of a change in a setting you can't remember?
  7. Thanks Mark. I was quite pleased to pull these details. There was a bit of boiling effect yesterday, probably due to the difference in temperature coming from the fog in/out. The link is: http://meesoft.com/Analyzer/
  8. Yes from derotated images. I could see some of the limb around after wavelets even on the single images before derotation. I am not sure it is due to our current seeing if it is impacting it more. I am not using an ADC so it could be some of the noise from the 'boiling' effect we have. I noticed in a previous post that when seeing was decent, the limp artefact was less pronounced. Others with more experience here, might be able to comment.
  9. Thanks. I think the derotation helped under the conditions. I should have said, derotated 6 stacked images. Thanks for the tip on using image analyser. Still getting my head around with all its functions.
  10. I managed to get a 'clearish' spell from the ongoing fog last night. Mars did not look bad as jet stream was out of the way. This is 6x5min movies derotated in winjupos. I think it may be one of my better ones since the last one 🙃. It seems the north polar cap has significantly shrunk and possible sand storm at the south? 8" dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. New capture approach on exposures and processing combining image analyser. Original capture size and 150%.
  11. Looks good considering what the weather is outside.
  12. Thank you. Yes awful at the moment. It is not looking good for the next seven days either.
  13. Thanks for the suggestion. I need to play with image analyser more (I saw your other comment in your post about colour vibrance as well).
  14. I should give that a try for the colour as I usually boost the saturation and it can look a bit artificial in the end.
  15. Very nice capture and you have clearly caught the south polar cap clouds as well. I like the colour balance as well.
  16. Thanks. I always question the true colour balance and what others perceive more pleasing to the eye. So many versions on colour. I tried to up the saturation a bit as you suggested but in my eyes it started looking too 'coloured'. Yes we need the clouds to part for a while.
  17. Thanks. I was very surprised how well it came out. I think the derotation helped a lot; still visible in the single captures but popped much nicer. I think we are all hoping for that break in th weather.
  18. Thanks Geof. Yes awful weather. I was planning a few more videos but by midnight it was impossible to get focus. Tonight and the rest of the week is looking awful. I hope you get some clear skies soon.
  19. Yes same here, it was in the capture window as well. You must have had good seeing to see at the EP as i could only make the darker features last night and a hint of the N polar cap.
  20. Yes there seems to be a change going on at the south cap. Let's hope for more clear and stable nights.
  21. I managed a pretty decent Mars session last night. A few more days before opposition but Mars is looking nearly full. Hard to get good focus due to jetstream but I think this might be my best Mars this season. Three videos of 5min each derotated in winjupos. There are new clouds in the southern polar cap. There might be some a storm at around 7oclock or part of the southern polar cap clouds? Original and 150% resized. Happy for your critique on sharpening and colours/brightness; I have seen a lot more saturated images and brighter online but not sure where to stop. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter, 2.5x TV powermate.
  22. Thanks. Yes that's were some of my confusion comes. You see excellent images with low fps but seeing is probably a lot different from us. I will try give it a try next time but it should be half decent seeing to 'remove' the random moment of good seeing. Thanks for the explanations again.
  23. Thanks for the explanation. So potentially we could go faster if the gain is not getting too noisy. Trying to get my head around, if I am shooting at 640x480 (I can't reliably go lower ROI on manual) 2 or even 4ms gives me 300fps with a gain of 230 or so. Would you favour the 2 over 4? I am not gaining more images but the 2ms captured ones should be more 'frozen'. Or would the 4 be better since signal to noise will be better? I am just thinking out loud and it will be a nice experiment to try next time I am out, but in case there is an explanation, happy to hear it.
  24. Excellent capture and processing. Nice details. It seems that the high FPS has helped. My last Mars was at 300fps and like you said having a large stack to play with helps. Talking of exposure, what is the concept of 2 or 5 ms exposure? I know planetary imagers use that . Why not faster? Eg ISS we go down to 0.5ms with a gain of around 200 to freeze the motion. Wouldn't that help us with planetary?
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