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Everything posted by sputniksteve

  1. Hi all, I'm still thinking of getting myself the SW Skymax 127. Currently, it's available on the AZ-GTi for £445 which I think is a pretty good price all told. But, it's also still available on the SynScan for just £389 at Rother Valley. Given that people are selling used ones of these for about the same, this looks like a bargain. I'd prefer the AZ-GTi because ultimately I think it will avail me of more opportunities for upgrading things in the future, not least that the AZ-GTi mount can hold 5kg - and I've seen people here say it can hold much more. But, although I don't have a problem with the idea of using the WiFi and my phone/tablet, I must admit that I'm drawn to the use of a physical handset. If it were you, what would you do?
  2. Might we expect to see some surface detail on Jupiter with a 127?
  3. Could one of the flexible leg smartphone tripods work? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Portable-Flexible-Wireless-Universal-Android/dp/B07JNC1GJ7/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Phone+tripod%2C+UBeesize+Portable+and+Adjustable+Camera+Stand+Holder+with+Wireless+Remote+and+Universal+Clip%2C+Compatible+with+iPhone%2C+Android+Phone%2C+Sports+Camera+GoPro%3F2018+NEW+VERSION%3F&linkCode=gs3&linkId=886aeafb0214f36f51a4568f337c8b17&qid=1593637264&sr=8-1&tag=ipsmedia-21 Or something like a gooseneck? https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07PHWHG8V/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07PHWHG8V&pd_rd_w=VYC69&pf_rd_p=91bac49e-c2d1-4227-b6bc-b47dfda352fe&pd_rd_wg=TGxEs&pf_rd_r=MA1HP3TY0TGTBMTZ72ST&pd_rd_r=494d32a5-94a9-4c9a-ba32-cb6490b5361a&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyTkJUQThHSTBYMEwmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAzMjQ2MTBXSjNSSFZMN0pBQ0YmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDYwNDI4NDNFNVVCVUZGU1VOVFUmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWMmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
  4. This is one of the most comprehensive posts I have ever seen on any thread ever. I'm learning that the AZGTi is a pretty versatile mount. What tripod do you use it with?
  5. That's a really nice picture. Was this with the zoom eyepiece and if so, at what level of zoom was it?
  6. Hi Matt, Which eyepieces did you use for these? Did you use the ones that come with the Skymax? The first image is absolutely gorgeous. Is the blue tint on the edging of the second image - chromatic aberration?
  7. Simon, these are brilliant. What time at night were you out there? And I presume these are stacked etc.
  8. I'm still having this debate with myself. I really like the look of the Sky-Watcher Skymax 127 on the AZ=GTi. But I know I shall want to have a look at some DSO. So, I'm also looking at the Celestron Astro Fi 6. Now, I know that for imaging of DSO this is not the best option; however, the C6 OTA is £649, whilst the Astro Fi version is ... £649. So, I'm thinking I could get this to get me started knowing that at some point I shall want to upgrade the tripod. In the short term, there's a thread here somewhere of people doing some great imaging on alt-az mounts ...
  9. This is the thing - can get a good 8" dob for not very much more money. In fact, that new SW 6" tabletop dob is cheaper. I'll keep watching for any further price drops!
  10. Thanks for your comments. The seller currently wants £230, having reduced from £250.
  11. Someone near me is selling a TAL 2 and I'm intrigued if such a thing is any good.
  12. "Listen. It's a tough universe. There's all sorts of people and things trying to do you, kill you, rip you off, everything. If you're going to survive out there, you've really got to know where your towel is." Hi 🙂
  13. Hi Ags, Coming back to this now - what's your thoughts having lived with it? I'm very curious still about the weight of the tube - did you get a definitive answer? How does it perform optically? How does the wifi perform? (I've read mixed reviews of this)
  14. Hi John, I saw your link to this thread in the other thread recently. This is a nice scope. What do you think of it now? Also, how did you reposition the other dovetail bar?
  15. This is very tempting proposition. I think I might need to get this IN ADDITION to the Skymax 127 that I'm lusting after. Chris, thanks for the review. Looking forward to other videos.
  16. That is a beautiful looking thing. A 127 refractor? Noice.
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