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Everything posted by AstroNebulee

  1. It's looking great, once you've polar aligned it will be good and as long as level all ok 👍
  2. No not royal mail but a very lovely bar person, maybe royal mail could take a few pointers though 😉
  3. Sorry about that, am at the pub, 1st pint in a pub since Xmas
  4. I see sky safari 6 on offer at the moment 50 % off, I'm wondering whether to pull the trigger as I generally use stellarium
  5. It's a dream job that's for sure, Be cool to get a guided tour round the flo offices and warehouse, that would make a good video lockie 👍
  6. Glad to be of service Chris, yes he's done plenty of the infinite monkey cage programmes, but glad he got a new 4 part series, top work 👍
  7. And you will give it your all lockie, uhh sorry Chris mean, going to have to get used to that lol. very Very well deserved and think of all the kit you get to play with now, plus if you ever want to pass on your staff discount to me even better 😉, only joking, in all seriousness congratulations to you and @FLO 👍👍👍
  8. No problems, as long as the beeb are showing a bit more interest in the astro world, we can all be a little thankful for that 👍
  9. Great news @FLOso that was your new job then lockie @Chriscongratulations perfect fit for the perfect job, wishing you all the best 👍
  10. I had the privilege of conversing with Martin quite a few times via email and so helpful and informative, shsll miss him @FLO, thank you for everything and best wishes on your retirement Martin and enjoy 😊
  11. Just saw this advertised on the telly, looks real good and about time the beeb put more astro related programming in the schedule "BBC Two - Brian Cox's Adventures in Space and Time" https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000wnk5
  12. Thank you for confirming the sunspot, It looks amazing at the star party and so much to see on 4 clear night's there you did well capturing all those galaxies. I've not been to a star party yet as only got into astronomy last May, so maybe sometime in the future to go to one. Clear skies
  13. Great images Stu, I'd be ecstatic with them and be happy to get something of this eclipse. Is that a sunspot on the top right quarter of the sun? Clear skies
  14. Following this thread with great interest, did you ever work out what the subterranean wall was part of. You've made a really super neat job of the pier so far 👍
  15. I'm beginning to think the same, weeks of cloud, rain and today especially gale force winds, I want to get a practice run on setting up for the partial solar eclipse but not looking likely yet. I think I've watched all the astro YouTube videos also. My star adventurer arrives hopefully next week so that'll be even more rubbish weather ðŸ˜ģ
  16. A couple of good books recommended by a friend, ideal for the cloudy, rain windswept nights and days to keep me going and, keep me from purchasing more astro accessories.
  17. I can totally agree with you wibblefish, the near no dark evenings, like others have said there's the milkway which is getting earlier now I'm waiting for some clear mornings to image this or Jupiter and Saturn to image for when at opposition. By the end of June they are slowly getting better time wise, there's the solar eclipse to plan for, which I'm hoping yo get a trial run with my setup to make sure things are working correctly, whenever clear sky appears. But these late spring months aren't proving as productive as earlier in the year. I also plan ahead by using stellarium to plan imaging sessions later in the year also or researching.
  18. Such is the production and shipping of astro equipment at the moment, I'd order it as soon as possible then you may stand a chance of getting it by October 😊 I have the sw 72ed and love it and you can always get a flattener /reducer to make it even faster
  19. You'll love the az gti mount, I adore mine, I hope it clears up soon, no chance here the trees are bending sideways and cloud from top to bottom
  20. Hi Welcome to SGL, take it all slowly, I went a thousand miles an hour first then learnt my preferred setup and process of what to image now so happy with it. Any advice needed the answers will be here. Plus 1 for masking every photon count, its great. Clear skies
  21. Hi John Welcome to SGL, it's a fantastic place to be here. Clear skies
  22. Hi Tevin, welcome, you've come to the right place for help, there so many masterful minds on everything astro here Clear skies
  23. It could work but I'm not entirely sure on it, I use the talent cell power pack as mentioned above. Sorry I can't be much more help, I know the mount runs between the voltage amounts on this image.
  24. Could you add the shim under the finder here instead, not sure if possible but may help keep it lined up longer. I had to do it for my old celestron 130eq.
  25. That's the other one I was trying to think of Telrad, could not for one minute remember that at dinnertime earlier. ðŸĪŠ
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