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Everything posted by AstroNebulee

  1. "SW AZ - Gti mount firmware update?? - Discussions - Mounts - Stargazers Lounge" Sorry I'm at work at the moment so can't be more precise but this thread should help on downloading the correct software for your mount, I'll help after work if needed. Ar the start of this video it'll show you how to update your firmware https://youtu.be/nWprnbnGPzM this will turn be eq mode as well as az mode and change the mounting of the scope to the right side of the clamp. This is how I have mine.
  2. It is very strange indeed, the issue isn't with your router anyway and like been said it doesnt use the home router, the az gti creates its own hot-spot doesnt it, so sounds like the mount is the issue as you've tried it with other devices. You could try installing a firmware from the skywatcher website "Sky-Watcher | Sky-Watcher Global Website" http://skywatcher.com/download/software/motor-control-firmware/ which may reset the mount. Is it still under guarantee if so you could send it back to be repaired?
  3. Very strange that, could you try the mount and device at a friend's house. Uninstall the synscan app and reinstall it may help as it'll hopefully reset all settings in the app. update the AzGti firmware are a few options. Or take your mount out of range of your router and try again.
  4. Have you tried the synscan app on another device to see it it connects ok. In your image your device appears to be seeing the az gti mount as the synscan_ab43, strange why it won't connect, have you disconnected your device with synscan on from the home router Wi-Fi first before trying to connect to the mount. You could always try turning off your router and then connect to the mount to see if that helps rule out certain elements. Hth
  5. Parcel force it'll be then, if the local offers fail to materialise and if the buyer accepts no insurance, thanks guys for your help 👍
  6. Thank you Craig, its looking like parcel force at the moment, it will be in original packaging, so I may post it on here to sell should the local attempts fail.
  7. Thank you I will look at parcel force to see if scopes are included as I'd want to insure it if I send it via them or any courier but as simrod says not many if any do, sorry that this question has been asked before I couldnt find it.
  8. I know a few people using hermes to send scopes and had no issues but their track record for me has been very poor and customer service, I know RVO use dpd for all parfels and scopes but seems silly that the consumer can't use dpd to send scopes, maybe its because they are a business not sure.
  9. Hi I am trying to sell my skymax 127 ota locally first but not having much luck. I'm wondering how other members have fared using couriers to pick up items you are sending. I've looked at royal mail and my box is to long by 3cms I really dislike/dont want to use hermes as they've lost parcels in the past, dhl are very hit and miss in my experience I'd love to use dpd but scopes are on their prohibited/don't send list, I would not be able to take the scope to a drop off point as I don't drive, so courier pick up is only option. Just like to gauge others opinions on who they've used.
  10. Thank you Peter. It is roughly in the same area just a little bit higher up as you'd expect being in the fs bracket on the scope.
  11. Hi I'm asking about the views through my guidescope and main scope so excuse me if this is a stupid question or seems muddled. I've fitted my zwo mini guidescope onto the fs bracket on my evostar 72ed with my zwo asi120mc-s screwed onto it, then I've put my main imaging source, my Canon 600D onto the scope via my field flattener, when look through the guidescope via sharpcap or atp, what is in the centre of my dslr isn't quite in the centre of my guidescope, but when I manually tilt the front of the guidescope down towards the ota I can get both images the same, so my question is should I shim up at the back of the guidescope bracket to give me this view or is it OK to have the slight difference in views. I shan't be platesolving just yet and want to get to know my guiding with phd2 and pa with sharpcap better first and just use my dslr via an intervalometer. Thank you for reading and my baffoonary. Clear skies
  12. Agree with gfamily, the az gti doesn't use your home WiFi or router, the mount creates its on WiFi connection for you to connect your smart phone, tablet or laptop to and will be synscan and ldeters and numbers, check your WiFi settings in your phone and select the synscan one and this will connect to your mount fine, I fo this on my phone and laptop
  13. Right all sorted now, complete noon error, my synscan short was outside of the folder with all the files in that's why it couldn't find the database doh, it's all working now and can align well in practice, how on earth am I supposed to image when I can't get the basics right haha. But working now
  14. I have connected my az gti mount on eq mode to my laptop wirelessly and can connect to the synscan pro app on my laptop and I can move the mount around but when I go to alignment I I get a error saying application must have only single FDmanager. I'll attach a screen shot. Also it says unable to open database file. I've installed ascom and phd2 along with the synscan ascom driver, how can I rectify this issue, I'm just setting it up for a dry run to test everything.
  15. My new to me zwo guidescope arrived today courtesy of fellow SGL member @Iceman120. Its in beautiful condition and will form part of my new imaging setup with my sw 72ed AzGti in EQ mode. Thank you again Rich for a smooth sale 👍
  16. Thank you Stu, really appreciate your advice. Like you say it is all confusing and the ASI does sound amazing as I and you said, I shall continue how I'm going to go for a minute as I have all I need and no more outlay atm. I will write down in my book all the different ways of setting up and then it'll hopefully sink in easier. I hope zwo read your post haha, clear skies.
  17. Thank you David for your advice, I'm definitely going to go with apt for my imaging software, do I need the eqmod cable if I'm connecting my mount and laptop via wireless? I'm definitely also going to try it out during the day with regards to setting up and using apt. I do have the counterweight bar and weight from my star adventurer mount and I bought a M8-m12 adapter for my az gti so all good there. I will look at platesolving at some stage as I'm just trying to get the basics all correct before confusing my brain even more, I'm sure if I was younger it'd all be much easier and I'm only very nearly 48 haha. And then I just load up phd2 once I've centred on mytl target and then guide on a star withing said target, I think that's correct. Then when guiding start my imaging run. Or even simpler like myself use sharcap to PA, then star alignment with synscan Windows or app, then find target to image, then do phd2 guiding then take images with dslr and intervalometer, that would work also I think? Thank you again for adding to my diagram to make it easier for me 👍
  18. Thank you Stu for confirming, and no problems on your set up as it works for you brilliantly and I'm just stepping into the role of guiding and using a laptop. Astro backyard has a video that he uses apt, phd2 and still uses the hand controller or app to align his mount. So trying to get my head around it all, it's all so confusing, thank you again for your help much appreciated 👍
  19. Thank you Stu, I can't afford anymore outlay to but the asiair sadly. I wouldn't be able to access any Internet with my laptop whilst imaging as itl be in a communal area behind my flat out of range of my WiFi, so I could just connect my mount via WiFi I think I'm correct
  20. This sounds the simplest of all, but would it guide using this method or is this just cutting out apt, sorry if I'm being thick.
  21. Is that used within apt, as I've just watched a video on YouTube where he's using apt and phd2 and he plate solved a had goto++ in there https://youtu.be/Fy1c9qpMF-Q
  22. Thank you, this seems a simple way, I have a zwo asi120mc-s so do I need the astap, it's all a bit confusing with these different ways of setting up
  23. Hi Stu Thank you for your advice. So to recap in my mind I can connect my dslr via USB and use apt, I'm not sure of kstars and ekos just yet. It sounds like kstars and ekos controls imaging and controlling the mount. Also is the cable I require for connecting the mount to my laptop for guiding and such. Kind regards
  24. Hi Forgive my numptyness, I appreciate this topic has been covered a few times but I couldn't find anything specific to my set up. My set up is as follows AzGti in EQ mode, with sw wedge zwo mini guidescope coming in the post Zwo asi120mc-s Laptop Canon 600D Sw 72ed ds pro I've imaged before quite a lot of times in az mode with my dslr so am comfortable with that, just want to guide it in EQ mode for longer subs and image with my dslr. This will be a deepsky setup. I would like to know how to set up the guiding with the zwo and capturing of images with my dslr. I've attached a very rough diagram of all my components. I'm a bit stuck where to connect the zwo up to guide, do I connect the st4 cable included from the zwo to my az gti mount or to the laptop via a USB eq mod cable or I know the USB cable from zwo to laptop. Sorry if this is all confusing it's bad enough for me haha. I've downloaded ascom, phd2, windows synscan pro and the ascom drivers, I also have sharpcap Pro to do my pa with. Its just a question of where the guide cable goes. I will try to use apt to capture via my dslr or with my intervalometer. Thank you for getting to the end of my mumblings and any help appreciated.
  25. Hi I managed to get first light with my star adventurer 2i last night but was getting startrsils at even 55mm with my dslr, I could go 2 mins at 18mm with none but higher led to star trails. I set up in this way. Place tripod mount facing north, put the dec bracket and dslr on. Then level the tripod using the bubblesl level on the wedge to be dead centre. Changed the alt wedge to my lattitude and I saw polaris my polar scope. The polar scope was set to 0 at the top and 6 at the bottom. I opened the Sam console app to find where to place polaris in the clock and succeed in this and polaris looked like it was tracking all around the clock when turning the RA. So thought all was good. But was getting star trails at anything around 55mm and over at 1min or lower subs. I believe I balanced the dslr in the dec bracket successfully (I wanted to use the dec bracket so I could keep checking that polaris was still following the correct path by looking through the hole in the bracket). Previous to this I calibrated the polar scope and you can see on the attached gif file that it stays on point. So not sure what was causing my star trails. So could someone check my polar scope is calibrated correctly. I'll attach the individual images of its easier. Any help kindly appreciated.
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