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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. @vlaiv did you understand where Terry was coming from, with his answer….? 🤔🤔
  2. Well this was the reply I got from Terry at SX, to my question asking what is the correct bayer pattern to use for this camera…and if you understand it then good on you….😂😂 There isn’t an easy answer to this, as it varies with the software that you use. I always recommend taking an image of objects with a known colour ad then trying the various colour decode settings to get a good image. The wrong settings are usually easy to spot, as they give completely the wrong colour and often have a residual ‘grid’ pattern. The start point defines the array pattern, so the pixel and line at the top corner of the image array will set the RGB pattern for decoding. As we do not have direct control of the third party software, it may start on a red, green or blue pixel and this swaps the decode pattern between RGGB, GRBG, GBRG and BGGR, depending on the start point. Once defined for your software, it is reliable, but different programs may have different patterns.
  3. Me too, it was bugging be a bit, and I never even thought the bayer pattern would be wrong, I had assumed APP always sorted that automatically, but you live and learn…it also is wrong in NINA, had to change it in there too, it’s a glitch with the SX ASCOM driver……according to the guys at NINA…🤔
  4. Ok well judge for yourselves, the flats are sorely missed, but sorted the issue, and it was just a test image anyway, thanks very much all….
  5. Yes just found this myself….and re stacking now.. thanks all, I hope this is the issue…..👍🏼
  6. Is that what it should be for this camera……?
  7. Hmmm, thats done automatically in APP, AFAIK…🤔
  8. Hello all, First of all this is an awful image, of the Eastern Veil, sorry for that, this is a stretched stack out of Astro Pixel Processor, no darks or flats as you can see, with just a few levels to exaggerate the issue. Taken with an SXVR M25c OSC camera with an Idas P2 light pollution filter last night…I don’t get why it’s so green, the nebula should be reddish AFAIK, and I did not think this filter added a green tinge unlike the Astronomik CLS. Also the subs were all with a red tinge . Can’t seem to shift it in processing… ‘Any ideas….
  9. It’s also been reported on the TOUPTEK and RISINGCAM versions too…🤔
  10. For me the first one seems much more detailed….But both are excellent….👍🏼
  11. I use an older i3 Intel NUC and find it fine, and recently I have heard good reports on these and a good reduced price ATM from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/MeLE-Quieter2-Computer-Supports-Dual-Screen/dp/B08ZXXJL6N
  12. Why would STELLARMATE users be bothered about ASCOM….?? 🤔🤔 OR do you mean with ALPACA..?
  13. So do I understand this correctly, you have your SGP software running on your PC, you have the latest ASCOM installed, and you have an RPI with indigo sky running on there, then you open SGP and you can choose the indigo drivers on the rpi and they will then run with SGP OR I assume any imaging software that uses ASCOM, like NINA or such like…? So the ALPACA allows a bridge between the indigo drivers and ASCOM. OR have I missed the mark entirely…?
  14. Hmmm, me neither, but watching with interest….👍🏼
  15. Also where did I actually state that I run it all from the PI because of bad wifi, hmmmm, I did not anywhere, I just said it’s something to think about if it drops out…when running in server mode….you would have to start all over again with your set up…. That does not mean I don’t think the internal wifi is rubbish hence my dongle, but never did I say this was the reason I run it as I do, so please read the posts properly before you make judgements….👍🏼
  16. I am not running from wifi because of that at all, that is just one reason why anybody should run all from the PI to avoid it happening….it also means I can log in from any device during my imaging run, Laptop, desktop iPad or even phone….that is the main reason, as I use a 12” iPad to keep and eye on things, rather than only being able to see it all from the machine you run Kstars from….like you…😉
  17. I dont use RPI internal wifi as that is rubbish and not stable, I use a USB 3 1200mbs wifi dongle….just as good as Ethernet…👍🏼
  18. Yes, exactly, no difference to any other time I upgraded Ascom…👍🏼
  19. Well we obviously have different opinions, I can only go by the fact I have used both ways for over three years, on and off, and that was my opinion based on my findings, not sure on the other guy…..🤔🤔
  20. I use it with NINA and works perfectly, no difference that I can see from previous version, as regards using anyway…👍🏼
  21. If you loose wifi connection your screwed…and I can’t use Ethernet, the RPI is more than capable of running it all, and it’s quicker as no files to transfer over wifi back to main PC, and guiding, platesolving is quicker too, in fact it’s all much quicker…👍🏼
  22. I have tried all ways of viewing my RPI and Kstars running on it, but as I use a 4k monitor, they all produce lag and are not good, the best I have found it RealVNC but I have to have my monitor set to 2560 x 1400 this gives me the best compromise between a good sized image on my 28” screen with minimal lag…on 4k it’s pretty much unusable….
  23. Indigosky is not an alternative to EQMOD as it holds all the drivers not just one…and you can control it not just from a web browser but from any PC with the Indigo imaging software client, which can be Mac, Linux or windows, using your Wifi connection….the same as using Kstars / Ekos, on windows Linux or Mac….with INdI on a raspberry PI….
  24. News to me too, it was only for Mac’s last time I checked….👍🏼
  25. I used indigo for a while with APT, and it worked well, but currently use INdI with Kstars / Ekos. Indigo was supposed to be the next generation of INdI, but not sure it actually ever took off as a next generation as INdI seems to be moving much faster due to the amount of people behind it, whereas indigo has a much smaller following…but if you are using a Mac computer then that’s what it was aimed at really…as the imaging applications are Mac based only…AFAIK..
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