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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. Sorted it now, had to email them…cheers guys…👍🏼
  2. Well what a con, I donated £5 for them, and no download link or anything….☹️
  3. Dave Eagle has produced a decent book for using this software for Astro image processing….I got it some time ago…
  4. How does that site work, to get these…? Never used before….
  5. Yes but an OSC ASI2600 at 26 megapixel would still be better by far in resolution per colour than older mono CCD cameras, even at 1/4 of the resolution… But what you say is correct if the cameras were the same…👍🏼
  6. Not that I know of, but I am certainly no expert on CMOS cameras….
  7. No VAT charged at checkout, it’s charged when it come to the destination country now, along with import duties and other fees…which would be at least £300, so still not a bad price…
  8. Including VAT for you, but it has to be added for us in the UK when we buy from EU…
  9. If you can afford the 2600, personally, I would go for it, and I am a lifelong CCD user, up till now, and am considering one myself, if I can find a second hand one….which is unlikely…👍🏼
  10. Yes plus VAT and import duties….👍🏼 For us here in the UK
  11. Well I am not going to argue, but there was a used 2600 a few weeks ago for £1450 on ABS, because I am well annoyed I missed out on it….☹️
  12. Why does the difference have to be between used mono and new OSC, why not used against used….?
  13. How is it MUCH cheaper than OSC, when you pay more for the camera, need filter wheels and filters…🤔🤔🤔
  14. Hello, Does anybody here use NINA, and a Starlight XPRESS camera, as I am having issue getting the cooling power graph to show correct information…it is just stuck at -1%, this is with the SX ASCOM driver, so if anyone uses a similar set up could you let me know if it’s just me or anyone using SX cameras… Thanks Stuart
  15. I really would not go down the dome route unless you plan to motorise too, as you will soon get fed up with going outside to move it round…also they are prone to condensation, so you will need to cost one of those into the price, and best to get a desiccant version, more expensive to buy and to run, but will work very well down to 1 degree. I went through all the thought process you are going through two years ago, and am glad I went the way I did… Just my twopeneth.. 👍🏼
  16. If you don’t need the warm room, then I built this for under £500 from an off the shelf shed, 5 foot square, and it’s changed the hobby for the better forever….
  17. Do you think my pixel scale could be any factor in the larger stars too, as my camera has 7.8 micron pixels with an 450mm scope…gives around 3.9 arc seconds per pixel I think….? 🤔
  18. Thanks….Again…😄 SO my PA is good as there is not right to left drift, which I am happy about as I did spend some time on that, so it’s the inaccuracies of the worm wheel and gear, so guiding is my next thing to get sorted….👍🏼
  19. Ok so same image but different issue, this is the final calibrated image with darks and flats, but as you can see still not that good and the stars are very big, and if you zoom in they are also elongated across the whole image pretty evenly, so I thought as I used 5 min subs unguided, maybe it’s a bit of drift…BUT over the 5.5 hours IMabel for, the Nebula never moved at all from the centre of the frame, so if it was drift surely it would have….it was exactly where it was on the firs frame, with drift I would have expected it to have moved quite a way up of down depending on the drift direction… So what else can cause this… kit used was a Tak FSQ85 SXVR M25c camera EQ8 pro mount Idas P2 LP FILTER CHEERS ALL👍🏼
  20. Thanks for explaining, I thought if anyone would understand then it would be you, or maybe it’s just me being thick….😂😂👍🏼
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