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Everything posted by Robindonne

  1. We have a brand(i think international) that sells covers for garden furniture, “pro garden”(what a coincidence!!). I bought 2 lawn chair covers. They are lightweight, ventilating and Have a top part thats almost perfectly angled for a scope. Also thought about covers and while looking at bbq-motorcycle-parasol covers etc. This chair cover fitted the best. 70x70x150/105 cm and €8,- each. Also very handy to keep your set clean etc when stalled Inside.
  2. Check if the mount is a 220v. Or 100v ?
  3. What would really help in the future is a section on this forum where all can post his or hers setup, gear, assembly etc. And their satisfaction rating when using that equipment. Just like astrobin registers the setup used with the showed image, it would be great to have a forumsection like this. Search for scope brand/model, oag and cam and see how much of us use this combo and how its rated. I think it’ll work because who doesnt want to showcase their arsenal?😉. Or just Search for a scope type and see what others use to complete their ap setup for example. How much the combo is used and rated. Etc. Maybe for the future. Im sure that a lot of satisfied hobbyist, without facing issues, don’t show up as often as the ones that have questions/issues. And therefore a lot of good info will be missed in info-asking-topics. There are so immense much accessoires available that wont work when used with another accessory. like an advice/gallery/review section oag A wont work with cam B or scope C🙄. On the other hand its fun to find out yourself. maybe forget about it.🙄. Interaction and Discussions are more fun in the end
  4. No please ask all. I highjack threads all the time. Its far more better to have multi brand/item threads regarding the same issue. 😅
  5. If someone finds time to explain to me(us). if you choose the battery solution from corncrake, do you advice to just use your existing powerbrick? And does the battery needs to meet a number?(amps or you name it what else) if you go for a crowbar, can it be build in a 60x100x30 housing, a housing just for this circuit! And can You explain or advice what components to use when planning to implement it in a 12v 5a setup? Or is this a question for a more electric dedicated forum? thx.
  6. Im sure its not a bad brand at all. I guess its used a lot among hobbyists in this hobby because its implemented through dealers though. So there must be more out there that will work good. For me, and i guess for more, its just a too bulky module to go outside with. If it were a batterypack It would be more justified To walk around with a medium sized energystation. I hoped to end up with some lightweight and small (attached to the mount legs) powersupply. I assume if small boxes/cases with just the protection were available, small as in easy to place between powersupply and the device itself, they would be bought with, in this hobby, the mount. Two days ago some here convinced me to buy new switched psu’s. Ended Up buying Two from meanwell. The costs were low and will have plenty of amps to Feed my devices. The one thing that keeps missing is that overvoltage protection😬. The description from another forum member: a switched psu is like A nest of angry wasps that are eager to escape the housing of the psu through the cable stayed in my head. maybe i have to go see a doctor for this trauma! im very open for diy solutions if its good to do for an amateur who can do small soldering. I think all those who have smelled a burned board will say the same. Its an invisible and unpredictable risk when you rely on a switched psu
  7. And what types of batteries do you suggest to make this setup with? Im not really fan of to big things to move around every night. Except this setup, because of the similarity with a batterypack that has a bypass function. If these were available, and deliver enough amps i would choose one. Just for the reason to never pass the max 12v but also to be able to drive outside and not worrying about power. At least if this method keeps the battery fully charged.
  8. Added the link of the one i opted for. But while scrolling through the models there was a lot i have to remember for later. I guess my next order will include a 5v 5a ps and for my dslr a 7,5v 2a i think. If its really a reliable product, safe etc., then the costs are surprisingly reasonable.
  9. https://www.conrad.nl/p/mean-well-gsm90b12-p1m-tafelnetvoeding-vaste-spanning-12-vdc-667-a-80-w-1293432 just check the connector size to be sure.
  10. No in my case it was unloaded. Only had the multimeter connected. But while always being aware of the risk to end up with damaged electronics, another member posted the same day about his burned mount, and at his second attempt a fried asi1600 and something else. So he did suffered overvoltages while having his psu loaded. And it looked like the “safer” linear psu
  11. Great and thx to all. I just bought 2 switched power Supplies. Each 12 v and a max of 6,6 amps. Hope it feels a bit safer. Havent had any problems with my old psu actually. The reason of course was seeing that “fried” boards are almost getting a common and not even surprising issue. a weekly returning thread on forums. But why they all get cooked?, im not sure if its all overvoltage. Although it seems like it. my amateuristic idea behind those cheap buck converters was starting with a 13 Volt psu, via Dc buck, ending with A double protected 12 volt. If the psu fails then the buckconverter keeps it at 12 and if the buck fails it lets only 13 v passing through. The step UP was because i thought the step down always lose some percentage in voltage so that should make the 12v psu’s useless. All in a small 30x30 box combined with a fuse sounded pretty safe to me. But i wasnt aware of all the downsides of these step up or down converters, noice etc. I use them sometimes in small projects and they never failed on me. But 12 v and multiple amps... i cant tell. But thanks again and hope to see a decreasing number of fried electronics, at least not from me😬
  12. I found some meanwell ps’s. Bought 2 12v 6.6 amps. Indeed went for the medical ones. Like €30,- each. Looks all ok. Really thought this powerbrickmarket was filled with clones who fail now and then. Although while googling for meanwell brought me at first at the well famous aliexpress, they were also sold by conrad and prices were the same(maybe even better when no import-tax at the conrads ones). Thx again for helping me out a bit
  13. Hm strange. It should work normally so something is wrong. But i guess you already knew that
  14. No your Partially correct. It wasnt to offend the asi120. Its more a failure of my own inexperience. And the stubbornness to good advices. I meant it more in a way like Lewis Hamilton participating in a tennis match. Its maybe better to place him in the audience while being participating in a GP he’s better Behind the F1 steeringwheel. He’s the second best driver on the grid.
  15. Also use (tried to) a 120 with oag. Found 2,5 stars with it. Some adviced me to use it as paperweight and i listened
  16. Yes thanks. And i know how hard to take a good picture from the mirror. Tried it myself last week with a bad result! So thx. From what i can see is the tube much bigger than mine. I have to admit that most of the reactions here, from you all, gave me a much better idea of what a newtoniar should try to reach. I think the ring will probably help a bit, cooling from both sides should go faster then from the back Only. And the main goal is of course the surface side first. I cant really see the solution you tried with the flat alu ring, but it seems i have them also in my tube. Forgotten it is deliverd with “baffles?” And the lowest one will probably be replaced or combined with my curved ring plan. It wont be enough to get the best out of it im afraid. Trying to find a nicely fit for peltier cooling. And one of the links above shows a nice looking newton-jacket where most of the stuff can be installed out of sight. Not the most important of course but why not.
  17. Really big thx. Wouldnt have come up with any of the brands. Dont know why its. So hard here in Holland to find These results when searching for powersupplies.
  18. Very nice😀. Im also hoping a lot of quarantine buyers sell their young stuff soon. I guess the markets will overflow when the world get slowly back to normal
  19. Oke sorry last non eq6r post in this thread. Added file is from a thread from yesterday.
  20. Its probably the safest route to power your stuff. But do you know any with a bypass function? Or is it then The same Risk of being open to overvoltage. If a brand sells a battery pack with a bypass function its definitely a good choise for an all-in-one power solution
  21. What is a respectable brand? I googled a lot in out country for 12v power supplies. Its like they’re all the same unknown brand bricks. The only thing i thought of was buying a laptop ps to be sure its a “brand”. And because most of them deliver good amps but high voltages i thought using a stepdown converter. But while mentioning and asking in various threads, non of the reactions are telling me to go this way. “Nevada” powersupplies seems a common choosen brand but i bet nobody ever heard of that brand. Its just that a big shop offers it, otherwise it just wasnt sold and used this much. if you can help me with choosing respectable brands? Thx in advance
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