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Everything posted by Robindonne

  1. Thanks to that delayed FAA guy we ended up watching something spectacular.....in the fog😑
  2. Its going to punch a hole through the fog very soon. Minutes (30)
  3. thanks. Indeed Halifax. Im not familiar with uk banks😬. But the initial used email was correct. Copied it from their website
  4. Its a bank account from Helifax. I just emailed them but surprisingly received the email as not able to be delivered?? im not scammed yet, but the amount of time waisted in reporting before, during and now after the scam is amazing. 😑 so I tried: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/contact-us they directed me to: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk They didnt have a solution other than contact dutch fraud helpdesk, what i did. They told me im not able to report it to police because no crime is committed yet🙂. what a weird world we live in
  5. Oke. I thought about adding this question to the scam thread in the marketplace section on this forum, but i wasnt sure if its read enough. To make a long story short: i reacted on a telescope advertisement in Belgium while knowing it must be a scam. (Got the confirmation after having contacted the real owner of the used pictures in the scam ad) after many “fraud-report”emails to that auction site, they finally removed the user account of the scammer. In the mean time i stayed in contact with him through email (he asked me to continue via email because the more detailed pictures were to large for the auction site chatservice😅) we talked some days and today he mailed me the track and trace info ( a self made website of a non-existing shipping company) the bankaccount however is from a uk based bank. i tried of course to contact Dutch fraud helpdesk etc, but surprisingly found not much cooperation😑. I cant report it to the police because no crime is committed yet😑. so advice is needed where to get this info to. thx.
  6. If you empty the cooling fluid tank and turn up the heating you might get a perfectly 55 degrees
  7. Maybe you’re saved by the 🔔. Have a look at this item. Its already on the island. https://www.astrobuysell.com/uk/propview.php?view=172375
  8. correct me if im wrong! I think it depends on how you want to connect the mount and asiair. For eqmod (direct through usb) you are probably better out using the synta mounts. For non eqmod control (through rs232) it must be possible to use the asiair and vixen mounts. The asiair pro will solve all your connection problems i assume. Dont worry about cable lengths. Just plug in all the devices you have, camera, focuser, mount etc, and get in the house, close the door and try to get as horizontal as possible on the couch with your iphone or ipad.
  9. I think when you rotate the scope from a perfect aligned position, and see misalignment when returned to the first position, something in one of the axes is not tight. I was going to suggest the problem is caused by our way of leveling the mount, because while we use almost nano technology to polaralign, our initial leveling of the mount is way less exactly done. The finetuning used for polaralignment is basically useless when the leveling of the mount itself is done less accurate. But in your situation, returning to home position to find out you suddenly off the target, seems like some parts are moving during that rotation. Solid ground, tripod legs, altitude bolts, mirrors etc.
  10. Great result. And again a prove we’re all being a little bit voluntary fooled by the fency pency shiny expensive astro stuff😅. Im really curious if a well experienced astrophotographer could tell what scope is used when seeing a random picture. I mean is it really justified to spent K’s? We are probably the only one in the world to justify again a €2000+ purchase because we really need that item😭. We talk a bit about all the price increases lately but in the end we really need that one adapter part thats gone up from 400,- to 575,- and get sucked into the endless astro blackhole where no valuta will survive. in short: nice pictures with an underrated telescope😉
  11. I ordered a bottom layer from 2 cm thick and on top of that i combined all different sizes rectangular blocks of foam. So instead of cutting foam out of a massive block, i followed the contours by combining small parts. You can see the part parallel with the hinges where i planned diagonals and eyepieces, i temp used some pluck foam. Wasn’t sure about the exact places for accesories. But when all foam parts put on the right place, the scope fits nicely. ps. The main reason to do this was to let the diagonal and handle attached when storing the scope. The original inlay didnt have room for that. The plus side of the new inlay was softer, cheap and nice straight nested.
  12. Try getting in focus without having the maincam in focus. You’ll probably find that the amount of play in the guidecam side of the oag is too short or too long. Or...and that got me once, the prism is indeed facing the wrong side. It will show light using a torch in either direction.
  13. I made a drawing of the scope and accessories and ordered all the puzzle parts from some online “custom foam shop”. Results were better than my own cutting I guess. Im not sure about the costs in the UK but i spend around €6,- for the inlay for a box 1000x300x400 mm. There is just no way to make a nice and smooth cutted inlay where stuff is nested perfectly. When chosen a semi black foam, its nice to be able to combine it with that pluck foam if needed. All the cut-it-yourself efforts ive seen are really...%{>}*$]😬 Save the massive block you have and order some parts to fill it nicely. For eyepieces i would suggest to use a piece of pvc pipe with a sharpened or toothed end.
  14. Accessories to complete 24/7 skywatching are always 😍
  15. Oh thats really not long ago, 2-3 weeks. Well the first reviews will come in the next weeks i assume. If you’re waiting for years it must have been a pain, but when you just step in the market for a good solid mount you are fresh minded and all that matters is that it is a well tested and reliable mount. thx for the update newbie alert!
  16. I cant answer that question. Dont have any problems using a WO bino in the 120ed. But my focuser has a very long tube/travel?? Im not sure whats the english word for it. I quess the main telescope tube of my 120ed is shorter than the normal 120ed, and therefore needs a longer focus tube/travel to get in focus with a diagonal and eyepiece, but also works with bino’s. Read a lot about people shortening their telescope to get in focus with bino’s. Have you tried a barlow between the focuser and bino?
  17. Great choice. I had the same problem once with a 120ed on a light mount. The one thing that really shortened the damping time, on that weak mount, was an electric focuser. Im not sure about this baader focuser but the focusknob looks like the unc v power focusers. A simple motor/focuser connection with a belt would work great i assume. These motors are very common and cheap. enjoy the new gear🙂
  18. Thanks. Didnt know there were multiple threads about this mount. Some read frustration i can understand, but mmm dont know what’s more harming. Too soon released mounts can give frustration x 1000. Opening the mount category on CN looks like its filled with the new CEM mounts. Once released there is no way back. But my biggest question is: Are there users among us. And are they satisfied?
  19. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3668385146550363&id=174295462626033&set=pcb.3668407113214833&source=49 in the category of always overmount, this mount showed up as a good alternative for the premium-becoming eastern mounts. 100kg payload for under €3000,- is anyone using one of their products?
  20. Here is a current map of the satellites. Do you recognize one from the picture?🙁
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