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Patrick Chevalley

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Everything posted by Patrick Chevalley

  1. I don't know for the OP, but for me this is interesting when using a full sky chart with a specific orientation and zenith on the center. I not want this change when I check the location of some object.
  2. Yes, there is now a way to do that Install the last beta version 4.3 from https://sourceforge.net/projects/skychart/files/0-beta/ Click the magnify glass icon or menu Edit / Advanced search. Select what you want to search and click the button "Find info", this mark the object on the chart without moving and open the detail information window. Patrick
  3. I receive request to remove this button from the default toolbar to prevent an accidental use. You can use the menu to sync, but if you want the button again open the menu Setup / Toolbar editor. Find the button you want to add on the left list, and the position where place the button on the right. Then click the right arrow button. Finally click OK and save the program configuration. You can use this tool to arrange any button you want, the button "Standard" on the bottom set the old default with all the buttons.
  4. If APT do not offer an option to disconnect from CdC you can do it from CdC. Open the menu View / Server information, right click on the line with the active session and click on "Close connection". After that you can close CdC normally. I make a change for the next version to show a message in the status bar with the reason the program not close.
  5. Hi, This is the CdC behaviour when another application is connected to CdC. In this case it not close but reduce in the task bar. This is done this way at the demand of planning software that not want to restart CdC every time to show a map of an object. So you probably have another application connected to CdC and the solution is to close this application first or tell it to disconnect from CdC.
  6. You can read the ASCOM Telescope specification here: https://www.ascom-standards.org/Help/Developer/html/T_ASCOM_DeviceInterface_ITelescopeV3.htm To my knowledge there is no requirement about automatic flip initiated by the driver. I agree with you this is more of a nuisance, if required the flip must be commanded by the imaging application between exposure.
  7. Hello, This problem should be solved with the last beta version 4.3-4361 available from https://sourceforge.net/projects/skychart/files/0-beta/2021-06-14/ I say "should" because I cannot reproduce the problem on any of my computer, but the error message is clear enough so I am confident with the fix. Patrick
  8. Hi, Sorry for this error. From the error message it look like something do not work on your system when the program try to enumerate the installed printers. I can try to make a fix to bypass this error and disable the print function in this case. In the mean time you can try to bypass the error by adding some dummy printer in Windows ( a PDF to file for example), then uninstall CdC to cleanup the configuration and reinstall. Patrick
  9. I have good success by running PhotometricColorCalibration on each panel before to merge directly the colour images.
  10. Hi, This catalog index is not prefixed with the catalog name. So to search for DWB111 only type 111 in the search bar. Patrick
  11. Good! For other that can read this: after installing the catalogues files you need to open Setup/Catalog to check the ones you want, the Path box is no more in red colour and it work.
  12. To get all of this you have to download "DSO catalogs" from https://www.ap-i.net/skychart/en/download#additional_catalog
  13. With the last version you have a main menu shortcut: Update / Comet elements Patrick
  14. The right-left gradient can be a sign of non uniform light illumination of the t-shirt. The image histogram look good, no problem with that. Try to reduce the histogram range from 35000 to 38000 to better show the dust on the preview. The banding is probably because of colour reduction by VNC, try to open the image locally without using a remote session. Patrick
  15. I doubt someone ever try that, but in my opinion this is impossible because Wine implement user space library but none of the Windows kernel functionality required by a driver. If you really want to run on Linux you need to use INDI driver instead of ASCOM and use applications that support this drivers. If the application you want to use do not support INDI the best solution is to stay on Windows and look for a way to better manage the Windows update process so it not interfere with the observation. Patrick
  16. Yes, when the mount is parked it flash PARKED in the coordinates area to take your attention you must unpark. In Eqmod you can click the green + button on top until it show the message log. Maybe there is some information about why it cannot unpark.
  17. This is now implemented and will be available in the next version. I also make the "Manual focus aid" to work with sharpness measurement: https://www.ap-i.net/ccdciel/en/documentation/star_profile
  18. MPC comet file for every software was stuck at the June 15 version for a long time because of a problem with their server. During this time some wrong elements where posted for a short time. This is fixed since November 20, so everyone must be sure to reload a new comet file in every software. For CdC I have switched the default comet download to http://astro.vanbuitenen.nl/ , Gideon take the work to update it's file during the MPC down time and it has the advantage to include better magnitude from current observation.
  19. Yes, for the last libraw.so.19 there is incompatibility between 19.2 and 19.5, and with the last snapshot with .CR3 support that is also named libraw 19. Patrick
  20. Hi Radek, The problem with LibRaw is the API interface change continually, so a program compiled with one version do not work on another system with another version of LibRaw. My interface library with LibRaw is in this case. For Ubuntu I have setup a PPA at https://launchpad.net/~pch/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-skychart but this is not compatible with Raspbian, this is why you need to compile this library. The instruction in the readme must now work without problem, but tell me if you think something need clarification: https://github.com/pchev/libpasastro/blob/master/README.md Patrick
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