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Everything posted by ScouseSpaceCadet

  1. The 8" dob was very grab and go. One trip out if feeling fit and nothing in the way to trip over that night, otherwise two trips and a minute to put together. While waiting for the scope to cool, check and adjust collimation. Easy to store upright too. Taking up less floor space than a tripod mounted telescope. However I just didn't like using it. The sitting position caused back ache. Also to observe at lower elevations over fencing required the mount to be placed on water butt stand, making the back ache even worse. So +++ for grab and go but it just wasn't for me. A massive long dob on wheels would probably fit the bill but storage would be an issue until the kids decide to leave home....
  2. Probably not. The 150p has a 47mm secondary mirror (33% central obstruction) and spider vanes so that puts the light grasp of both scopes not so far apart. What you do gain with the 102mm ED refractor is higher contrast, no diffraction spikes, a more precise focuser and if using a GEM mount, no awkward eyepiece angles. Also the ability to increase magnification on good nights without loss of image quality and tired older eyes will thank you for the slightly higher f7 focal ratio. As will many of the entry level to mid range eyepieces. Chromatic abberation (C.A.) found with shorter focal length achromats just isn't noticable unless one looks for it and probably 99% of the time the view is C.A. free. I swapped from a 150mm newtonian and don't regret the purchase. £500 well spent and the sale of the 150p and a couple of other pieces of unused gear helped pay for the telescope. It looks great too but that's very subjective. 😉 If you wish to dip your toe into the world of higher end refractors then it's not a bad starting point at a not too ruinous price. Bear mind that this is all just opinion. I'm not a massively experienced astronomer or an optics guru. Though I've read and received positive feedback about this instrument, there are those who have owned one and didn't like them.
  3. As probably seen elsewhere I've gone the other way slightly and picked up an AVX EQ goto mount... Being unable to justify the expense of a decent weight capacity alt az goto mount a used AVX dropping into my lap for much less than a new EQ5 was too good to pass up. Despite anecdotes suggesting otherwise a 102mm f7 frac imho is too heavy and long for extended use on the fantastic little AZGTI. A 127mm Maksutov or 80mm f7 frac would be a max recommendation for that mount. However the AZ5 and steel tripod will be kept for those short sessions or occasions like brief lunar observation between clouds. Low tech is great but it's also nice to have options.
  4. Yes mate, I realised after I bought it and looked for an extension.🙄 The 102mm f7 is very nice on it though. Perfect even. I suppose if the mount lasts as long as I hope and I fancy increasing aperture then I'd plump for an 8" SCT or CC instead, unless I my numbers come up and I can afford a £1000+ Ioptron or Skywatcher mount as well... Btw, I plan to power the mount using a proper rcd mains extension and the regulated power cable the seller supplied, however for travel, looking at the very expensive battery options, and bearing in mind it seems plenty of people power their mounts with leisure batteries and jump starters, would the below be suitable with a lighter socket type cable without any sort of modification? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AA-12V-600A-Power-Pack-USB-Battery-Charger-Booster-Jump-Starter-Air-compressor-/293668835228?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  5. Spending two hours watching a black dot transit Jupiter in hindsight may seem a bit nuts to most... I'll do it again though! On the flip side an ap enthusiast might create a timelapse. Both are just as valid astronomy pursuits. Going back to the point of the thread, George probably hit the nail on the head. Astronomy is more accessible than ever before. There's undoubtedly greater numbers partaking than at any other time in history. How those numbers are split we will probably never be sure of.
  6. Controversial! 😄 I said the same once then I realised great skill and patience are required to produce great photos. Unfortunately I don't possess much of either attribute! Mr. Spock your remark could be applied to any art form. Why make a model of a spaceship if you will never fly in one? Why paint a landscape portrait of a magnificent valley and never walk through it? And so on... Some like taking photos because, well they like it.. some may want to see the detail in DSOs they can't capture through an eyepiece. Others may just like producing a pretty picture. A smaller minority take up AP for its scientific value in certain scenarios. Ultimately we're all amateur astronomers who may enjoy a broad spectrum of astronomical interests or a niche. We all want dark, clear skies and dry nights however we choose to follow this amazing hobby.
  7. I posted in the 'Postman' thread a few days ago, but today is the first time I've fully set up the mount and telescope and I'm delighted. 😀 This is my first beefy mount and first EQ.The 102ED f7 refractor feels like a toy on top. Balancing took a minute. Everything seems to work fine and it's quieter than the tiny AZGTI! Solid as a rock and <70% of the current new price. 👍 I was hoping for a solar session today to check out the goto and tracking with the Skymax 102 but the clouds say no. Using the handset to slew there's no obvious backlash. Shimrod it came with a polarscope. If I poke my eye out I was warned! Thanks again for the advice. Expect a gear sale soon to pay for it! 🙄
  8. A used Celestron AVX... *Does a scouse jig* 🙄👍😄🤳
  9. Please don't be offended (because I've done this once! 🙄). In the Synscan app - settings - location, is the location sensor button switched on and if yes, is the location correct?
  10. You're right. The warranty is 25 years subject to the usual terms. Hopefully they're replaced with a new pair. 👍
  11. (Slightly crackers 😉) Dedication paid off. The gas bubble really seems to have depth. I imagine the processing time was huge too? Congrats. 👍
  12. It suggests he has a duff pair...🙄 I've enjoyed using mine over the last year or so. A good starter binocular before the price increases. Since upgraded, so selling soon... Iirc they come with a 10 year warranty?
  13. The secret location details would be smashing. 😉
  14. I started following the cables, felt a bit dizzy and went for a lie down. 😉
  15. If the psu is needed only for an azgti or an azgoto mount then save yourself a lot of cash; https://www.talentcell.com/lithium-ion-battery/12v/yb1206000.html https://www.firstlightoptics.com/astronomy-cables-leads-accessories/lynx-astro-silicone-power-cable-21mm-dc-jack-to-21mm-dc-jack.html Add a small waterproof bag and velcro straps and you're good to go.
  16. What power supply are you using? This happened to me a couple of times, giving me a slight fright at 1am in the dark hah. Eliminated after changing from a 20000mah power bank to a Talentcell 6000mah 12v 3a battery and Lynx Astro cable.
  17. A 4" well collimated Mak isn't that far behind for far less £££. Enjoy your bargain. 😀
  18. Grumpy that's a capable little setup, similar to my Skymax 102/AZGTI and Skywatcher steel tripod. While planetary observing, the AZGTI Point and Track is incredibly simple to use. No messing with alignment. About as quick to set up as using a manual mount with none of the faff of using slomos or nudging. Walk away, come back later and the planet is still in the fov. It's amazing tech we have at our fingertips! Although tbh I prefer the 4" f7 ed scope. The image just about has the edge over the Skymax without the temperamental focusing.
  19. I'm considering buying a used AVX. Overall looking at the mount, it's seen plenty of action with the odd scratch here and there. Besides the obvious like stripped threads, anything else I should look out for/ask about before handing over the cash? Also, for mostly visual with a dabble in ap I've been considering a brand new entry level goto EQ mount for a while and with a limited budget narrowed down the list to the EQM35, EQ5 or ES EXOS-2. Either one of these should be more than capable of handling a 102mm f7 refractor and in the future maybe a 120mm (visual only). However if I can get a used perfectly working AVX for a bit less than the price of say, the EQ5 would that be sensible, or should I stick with purchasing one of the above new? Your expert advice is greatly appreciated.👍
  20. That observing chair might just hold me. Are they in stock at FLO? Great report, however I'm concerned your new look tailoring bill might cost more than the telescope!
  21. I'd be interested in what you think of the 102ED too...
  22. Very nice. A write up on the AA 80ED would be worth a read... 👍
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