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Everything posted by banjaxed

  1. From what you describe I would be inclined to leave it alone.
  2. Hi and welcome to SGL.
  3. Reminds me of a friend from years ago who told me ‘the only certain way to tell what the weather is like is look out of the window’ 😀
  4. Hi Vince, welcome to SGL.
  5. Hi Kris, welcome to SGL.
  6. My Celestron 32mm super plossl that I bought of an SGL member in a set of eyepieces is very well used, can't see myself ever parting with it.
  7. Yes it is very confusing Peter but as I stated in my previous post I am not looking for miniature binos it was just my curiosity.
  8. Maybe the moral is that if they don't know the size of the binos they are selling then keep well clear. Luckily I am not in the market for miniature binos 😀
  9. Now that makes sense Dave, it seem my first assumption was right, Chinese anomaly 🙂
  10. Thanks John, but how can you know what size they are by those numbers ?
  11. Apparently he bought them off Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Binoculars-Collapsible-Fujunkang-Waterproof-Mountaineering/dp/B07VJDTB11/ref=sr_1_20?crid=2LTNNTT7SI627&dchild=1&keywords=binoculars&qid=1590334035&sprefix=binocular%2Caps%2C151&sr=8-20 but I still don't understand the logic.
  12. Hi Keith, welcome back to SGL.
  13. A friend showed me a small pair of binoculars and the size on it the was 30 X 60, I know with most binocular sizes the first number is the eyepiece diameter and the second the objective lens. These binos fit in the palm of your hand so they are obviously nowhere near that size. Does anyone know what these numbers represent or is it just a Chinese anomaly ?
  14. Hi and welcome to SGL.
  15. I have checked on ABS and he has a few items for sale which includes his full name, I will be aware of him in future.
  16. You are right about paying with friends and family as you have no redress, If I am buying I always add the fees to the cost and pay using payment for goods.
  17. Glad you enjoyed your viewing last night but don’t expect great views with a 70mm scope. My biggest scope is 200 mm and the planets are still very small but on a good night very clear.
  18. Hi Philip, yes it is the Baader solar film type filter which I thought was decent quality being made by Baader. Your suggestion about using a polarising filter seems like a possible solution so as I already have one I will try it when the opportunity arises. Thanks for your input. Maurice.
  19. Thanks for your reply Dave and for confirming what I suspected. Looks like there is no such thing as pleasure without pain 😀
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