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Everything posted by scotty1

  1. @MessierMatt I think DT is dark table 🤫 I've used RT before, i can't compare it to other RAW developers as I've not tried them. One thing I found with RT is the noise reduction seems a bit inconsistent, or it maybe a lack of practice, although I've had good results with it.
  2. The light traveling from right to left looks like an aircraft. The other patch of light could be from a security light or similar, somewhere out of shot reflecting on your lens. There is a similar patch of light later on in the video. ( lower left 1.57) DIstant lightning also
  3. The last four evenings have been cloudy, I missed the close conjunction. But a gap before it was dark on 7th March , a quick shot with the phone.
  4. A couple more photos from Sunday night This is from the phone
  5. Nice shots I was even later to the show, but still got a subtle display.
  6. There is a bit of red on camera hereabouts, but not too much ATM.
  7. The Glendale app was off for a while yesterday too, but it was working around 11pm- 1am. I thought it was too busy or something.
  8. Aurora watch is red ATM 19.00 https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/
  9. Last night the humidity was relatively low compared to our usual damp atmosphere. I think this helped the sightings of Aurora. When it's humid the light pollution domes from towns flare up. I missed the first round at 9 pm onwards, I was out taking photos of Jupiter and Venus untill 8.30 pm, but had to get home to make meal and sort pets out. Decided to go out again about 11.30 pm . My camera was picking the Aurora up but there was nothing to the eye. These are from the phone in astro mode PXL_20230226_235024638.NIGHT~4.mp4
  10. First time I've been able to report aurora on camera to the Glendale app. How do you add photos to the gallery on the app?
  11. Hi Reggie It's nice to see you have been getting your shots of the comet. Do you use a tracking mount or telescope for this?
  12. A couple of photos from last Monday 20th February. I was hoping to pickup some zodiacal light, but it was hazy. So I pointed my camera upwards. Two from the phone in astro mode
  13. I've just about picked up the zodiacal light from this location before. But this evening it was more zodiacal Sh1te than light. These are from the phone Laying the phone flat was better
  14. Monday 13th February 18.45 These are from tonight , very murky hazy conditions , an hour later the mist had thickened up to prevent any more photos. NGC 1647
  15. Lucky gaps for Mars, but tonight is awful seeing. Could barely see the Pleiades or Mars. Very hazy and humid, and some saharan dust likely too.
  16. From a couple of days ago, the weather wasn't ideal.
  17. High clouds around this evening as the comet neared Mars
  18. More lazy astro shots from the last couple of days, Comet E3 heading towards Mars Single exposures 20 seconds 3200/6400 ISO. Pentax K70+Astrotracer with Pentax 55-300mm zoom. Processed in camera and on pixel phone High clouds came across this shot with Mars
  19. This may be helpful https://www.pentaxforums.com/lensreviews/SMC-Pentax-FA-Star-645-300mm-F4-Lens.html
  20. Yesterday evening just as it was clouding over, the comet was near the star Hassaleh. iso 3200 1x 20 seconds 300mm
  21. The seeing was poor this evening before moonrise and quite hazy. Picked up comet E3 ZTF again in the binoculars, it's certainly not as bright, but the haze didn't help. So many satellites crossing the sky too.
  22. Two more from 6-2-23 Not sure if I also picked up C/2022 U2 atlas , the photos are too noisy to tell, and a near full moon. Single exposures iso 6400 20 seconds for first pic. Second pic 10 seconds 300mm zoom. From the 7th before moonrise, the seeing was poor. Trying to find C/2022 U2 atlas near star ETA about 18.45 GMT . Too many stars and CA Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF
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