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Everything posted by scotty1

  1. I was pleased with my cup that arrived today. The photo was reproduced nicely. Thanks
  2. On the way home from photographing the Persieds on August 13th, pockets of shallow mist forming in the fields with Venus rising. Pixel 4a on tripod, on the car roof with nightsight setting. Edited on pixel 4a with the inbuilt standard photo editor. On the same morning In the west on the other side of the road, the moon was setting, also Jupiter is upper left. Pixel 4a in nightsight setting on Slik mini tripod
  3. 01.20 on the 19th of August a bright Persied tracked from the Cygnus area. I had gone out to check for Aurora, and took a few shots with my phone just before heading home as it was clouding up. A lucky capture while taking a few shots in astro mode, i used my pixel 4a on a mini tripod.
  4. I tried to pickup the Aurora last night, but no luck. Before I headed home I set my pixel 4a on a small tripod to take shots of the moon and Jupiter. Then just before it clouded up I pointed the phone towards the milky way. Luckily a bright Persied fell from the Cygnus area. I saw two other meteors not as bright as this one. This was from early today 19th August 01.20
  5. I've installed that Aurora App, will see how it goes. Alot of photos from Scotland and far north of England. Someone on the Glendale app reported the Aurora on camera from Northamptonshire?🤔 My camera didn't pickup any Aurora, but it was ideal weather for astronomy. As I walked home after parking the car, there was a young chap in the next street with 10 inches of Celestron dob in the middle of the road (it's a fairly quiet street especially at 4am). He let me take a peek and I saw Saturns rings, and two bands on Jupiter, it's the first time I've seen these details through a scope, it's the first time I've actually had the opportunity to look through a decent scope, I was impressed.
  6. Partly cloudy and the aurora site was on orange. I've taken some shots but there's nowt showing hereabouts. Seen a couple of Persieds, and moon rising.
  7. A few more Persieds This one on the 10th of August 02.25 From the 13th about 01.30 And the 14th about 02.30
  8. Between 1-4am on the 13th I saw ten meteors, the moonlight didn't help. The brightest meteor I didn't witness as it was behind trees, but I'd set my camera up facing WNW and it captured it. A couple of years ago with a quarter moon I counted about 20 per hour. I read the Persieds are declining since the 90s, but should increase again after the next visit of the parent comet in about 100 years. On the way home a six mile drive, the full moon was setting over a misty field on my right. On the left Venus was rising over misty fields. This morning the 14th,I had another look from the garden 03.15-04.00. Another four bright meteors in the NW, and NE, one looking pale turquoise. This one was with my phone about 2am on the 13th PXL_20220813_012028177.NIGHT~3.mp4
  9. Thank you MartinB Thanks to everyone running the challenges, and the other participants. Well done Paul, and Clarkpm
  10. 02.30 -03.45 I observed six moderately bright meteors, five of those seemed to be Persieds. One in the north east, and the others were between West and Northwest.
  11. About 02.30 a bright satellite overhead travelled towards the South East, slightly faster than the ISS. Around 03.00 I was facing North West and saw a flash like distant lightning, it was yellow, and I didn't see any meteor in that direction at the time, or any sounds later.
  12. Sky is becoming mucky now from the N.E. with cirrus rotating around the High pressure. Must of jinxed it by charging the camera batteries.
  13. August 7th 03.30am pixel 4a on SLIK mini DQ tripod. Processed in phone with Snapseed.
  14. On 7th August I only observed three meteors over two hours. I captured one just before 4am, a Persied below Taurus, this was the brightest one of the night. 11mm wide angle lens on APSC
  15. The cirrus clouds stayed to my south, so I couldn't get a photo of the milky way core. Overhead was quite clear after 1am, I took a few wide field shots of the milky way overhead. Jupiter was bright, Taurus and M45, Mars. Six Persieds were seen, I hoped to get one on photo, there were likely more I missed while setting up phone and camera. Also had a Barn Owl flying parallel with me for about 10 seconds, and crossing over from one side of the vehicle to the other. I was on a country lane doing 20mph, the barn owl was about 4 metres from the ground.
  16. Taken a couple of miles south of town August 6th 2am. Pixel 4a in astro mode on SLIK mini pro DQ tripod with BH100 head. Processed in phone with Snapseed
  17. Thanks for adding this annotation 🧐 i don't have any stacking software at the moment. Or even a PC! , so I thought this was quite a bad attempt. The hot weather will bring poor visibility I'm thinking Saharan dust/ clouds. Only for a few days though.
  18. A lucky gestimate ware the comet should be using Vega, and pointing my camera in the general direction. I had a quick go from the garden about 1 am. This is a single shot no noise reduction converted to jpg in camera. The comet shifted behind my lilac bush so i couldn't try my 300mm zoom. The image is cropped in a fair bit. The moon was casting a blue tone, and a few thin clouds around. Pentax K70 + Tamron 90mm f2.8 macro lens with astrotracer on the hotshoe. One 20 second exp f3.2 ISO 3200
  19. The good news... we have a power cut! The bad news... power is scheduled to come back on at 23.00 Power is back on already 💤
  20. Great capture It was a lot simpler when we used film 😆 Is this Comet about Mag 7 ? I may try to get a photo when the moon eases off.
  21. Quite warm for sleeping 27C in bedroom, so had a check for NLCs, but nothing about. ISS came over about 02.20, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Capella, and in the west Arcturus was on show from the garden. Jupiter + Mars
  22. For cloud cover I use SAT24 The white areas are cloud. For clear skies you need grey or black tones. And the infrared setting for night. https://en.sat24.com/en/nl/infraPolair
  23. Possibly Starlink flaring ? although the flashes doesn't sound like satellite flares. The Quadrantids and Geminids meteor showers, are thought to originate from Asteroids.
  24. On the way home 03.20 after photographing NLCs I noticed the planets Jupiter and Saturn I think.
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