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Everything posted by scotty1

  1. Noctilucent Clouds June 16th 03.00 Pentax K70 Tamron 17-50 @f3.5 processed on pixel phone
  2. Noctilucent Clouds From 5/6th July 2023 Pixel 4a phone 23.25 5th July 02.20 July 6th
  3. 22.40 Moon, Mars , Venus, Castor and Pollox Also saw a moderately bright meteor through The Plough heading North-West. Possibly a Camelopardalis
  4. Just seen two not very bright meteors heading SE from near the Plough.
  5. This was captured on dashcam by Chris Cameron
  6. Seen a report of a fireball meteor this morning looking South East about 06.00
  7. Luckily the rain cleared about 23.30 , saw the Aurora alert on here and skies were clear, so headed out around midnight approx four miles from town. White pillars were visible with these next shots. Pixel time lapse PXL_20230323_235453128.NIGHT~2.mp4 PXL_20230324_033223808.NIGHT~2.mp4
  8. Seems I made a duplicate thread. Don't know if the mods can delete this one. Thanks
  9. Nice captures I see your cat was checking out the Aurora too. I wonder if cats can see Aurora, as they have very good low light vision.
  10. Noticed there were forecasts for a possible G2 on Spaceweather, didn't expect much. Seems to be one of the best times of year for strong Auroras. Luckily the cloud cleared about 23.15, was halfway into bed and thought, may as well head out a couple of miles north of town. After I checked here and saw mcrowie had pics from Cornwall, I thought must be worth a go, but often it's quite a brief show. These are from a Pixel 4a in astro mode. Just before midnight Then i returned home and picked up another battery for my camera, and went out again 03.00 to get this shot with my phone. One from the camera 03.15- 03.40 there were white pillars like searchlights, at first I thought these were coming from a light source in nearby towns.
  11. @MessierMatt I think DT is dark table 🤫 I've used RT before, i can't compare it to other RAW developers as I've not tried them. One thing I found with RT is the noise reduction seems a bit inconsistent, or it maybe a lack of practice, although I've had good results with it.
  12. The light traveling from right to left looks like an aircraft. The other patch of light could be from a security light or similar, somewhere out of shot reflecting on your lens. There is a similar patch of light later on in the video. ( lower left 1.57) DIstant lightning also
  13. The last four evenings have been cloudy, I missed the close conjunction. But a gap before it was dark on 7th March , a quick shot with the phone.
  14. A couple more photos from Sunday night This is from the phone
  15. Nice shots I was even later to the show, but still got a subtle display.
  16. There is a bit of red on camera hereabouts, but not too much ATM.
  17. The Glendale app was off for a while yesterday too, but it was working around 11pm- 1am. I thought it was too busy or something.
  18. Aurora watch is red ATM 19.00 https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/
  19. Last night the humidity was relatively low compared to our usual damp atmosphere. I think this helped the sightings of Aurora. When it's humid the light pollution domes from towns flare up. I missed the first round at 9 pm onwards, I was out taking photos of Jupiter and Venus untill 8.30 pm, but had to get home to make meal and sort pets out. Decided to go out again about 11.30 pm . My camera was picking the Aurora up but there was nothing to the eye. These are from the phone in astro mode PXL_20230226_235024638.NIGHT~4.mp4
  20. First time I've been able to report aurora on camera to the Glendale app. How do you add photos to the gallery on the app?
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