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Everything posted by scotty1

  1. March 29th First time I've seen the Comet through binoculars (swift 10x50s ) this evening 20.10GMT , easy to pick out. A bit of annoying cloud had to drift in, then the Comet sunk behind the roof. Managed to grab another ariel photo, so a short but sweet observation. Zoom lens at 260mm f5.6 20seconds ISO 3200
  2. This was early Sunday morning 00.30 GMT Aurora struggling against 99% moon.
  3. These are from Friday 22nd March, moon about 95% Single shots with Astrotracer
  4. Very good visibility yesterday evening with the arrival of cleaner and drier air from the northwest. Shame the moon was about 90% full. I haven't seen this comet naked eye, but got a couple of shots in camera. The comet definitely appeared brighter than a couple of weeks ago, plus the sky was clearer yesterday than it had been for about a month.
  5. What's this cloud arriving from the South , surely not ? 🤣 🫣 https://www.sat24.com/en-gb/country/gb
  6. There were clear spells in the evening of Wednesday 6th March, so took a couple of shots of 12P/Pons-Brooks before it sank below the roof. The sky was VERY hazy with pollution being imported from the continent, and this made the light pollution worse. The clouds returned shortly after. Single 20 sec exp with Astrotracer and 55-300 zoom. Ariel view of 12P/Pons-Brooks
  7. @ Marvin Jenkins You say the clarity was amazing due to strong winds and heavy rain. Do you mean the heavy rain and strong winds had moved off, and improved the air quality behind a cold front?
  8. Thanks , I'm guessing there is WiFi on the Seestar that connects to your phone, if you have signal.
  9. Does the Seestar need to be near a mobile signal? If your out in rural areas sometimes the signal drops off.
  10. Trying to pickup Aurora and just seen a decent meteor traveling from the NE at about 40°. It started in the N and tracked down towards the NW through Cassiopeia lasted about 2 seconds. Magnitude about -2 ish there was a slight covering of cirrus clouds.
  11. I think this particular set of satellites may of been more visible , as they may have been recently deployed and still relatively in low orbit? I agree that light pollution is already degrading astronomy/astrophotography. Adding another layer of pollution with satellites is frustrating for anyone who cares about night skies.
  12. Noticed these when walking back from town last Thursday.
  13. This could be useful if your using the phone without the scope. If you don't need the tripod, just get a bluetooth remote. https://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/B0CLYDZSTJ/ref=cm_cr_othr_mb_show_all_top?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews
  14. Unfortunately it was cloudy all night. Clear now though🤐. Perhaps that fireball Mike witnessed was a Quadrantid meteor, or sporadic. Should be clearer skies with high pressure building, if the fog holds off. Could be quite a cloudy High with milder air mixed into the Anticyclone
  15. December 23rd 2023 Thunderbird 3 ready for blastoff Pixel 4a edited in phone December 26th 19.40GMT 2023 22° Luna Halo Pixel 4a edited in phone
  16. On the lookout for Nacreous clouds, but I think they have gone for now. Could be a while before they are so widespread again. Last time I saw them was February 2016. It's very quiet out and the usual sound of roaring traffic is much reduced. Got this shot with Jupiter lower right.
  17. Friday 15th Dec 23.30GMT I've been outside for 45mins , it's fairly clear Taurus and M45 easily visible. I haven't seen one meteor ,I didn't expect to see many , I thought there may of been about 5 per hour...
  18. Completely clouded out last night. 13th/14th Had a half hour gap this evening (Thursday 14th 19.00-19.30 GMT) Saw 5 Geminids in about 15 mins , caught the brightest below Jupiter on dslr camera (10sec ISO 1600 f3.5). And also the same meteor on phone video, thought I'd just try a short handheld video as it was clear. PXL_20231214_192528449~3.mp4 PXL_20231214_192528449~7.mp4
  19. "Of course, meteor showers fizzle, rather than sizzle, more often than not, which is part of the reason why the Geminids (and Perseids) are so spectacular: they’re reliable, year after year". 🤔 🤨
  20. I was going to say ball-lightning , but now I've read there was a military testing station, it could of been flares, or paratroopers with flares on them.
  21. Had a small session trying to see anything was difficult. Low cloud and mist, only Jupiter showing through the murk.
  22. Poor visibility can barely see Jupiter through the low cloud and mist. Had a look for ten minutes didn't see anything.
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