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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Really sorry to hear this, what a loss. I hope it turns up OK. I had a 12inch SCT stolen several years ago, never was found. I suspect these are stolen to order.
  2. To quote Jeremy Shears, in the late 70's it reached magnitude 1.5 . Recent observations put it at a similar level between 1.3 and 1.5. So your estimate is spot on. If it goes any deeper it'll be the deepest dip ever. It will probably follow the same pattern as in the 20's, 40's and 70's of the 20th century and begin to brighten again rather than explode. It's still fascinating to observe this.
  3. I'm kind of torn, I'd miss the familiar shape of Orion but then again I'd like to see a supernova up close and personal as Betelgeuse would be. I also wonder when amateur equipment would be able to image the expanding gas cloud if it did explode. So there's plus and minus to it. It still is amazing to me to see how much betelgeuse has decreased in brightness. I've never witnessed it to this extent before.
  4. It's an older HUAWEI P10. You can use it in Pro mode to set iso and exposure. I used iso640 and a 30sec exposure. I set a 5sec delay on the shutter to stop shaking. Huawei are certainly good for astrophotography.
  5. Hi all, intrigued by the news betelgeuse is much dimmer I went outside to have a look this evening. To my dismay it certainly isn't the star it used to be and significantly dimmer. I did do a quick 30sec image with my mobile phone. Can't really distinguish how much dimmer it is using a mobile. If it's clear in the coming few night's I'll get my dslr out and have a go at imaging it wide field. But for now just a mobile image.
  6. Yeah, it's 2011, only issue to be aware of is if the blue filter on the blocking filter has deteriorated but even then these are replaced free of charge by Bresser eu. I bought mine second hand 2011 model pressure tuned and bf1200 ordinary focuser for £1250. The scope new are twice that. Just my cents worth. I've since upgraded with a 2014 double stack unit.
  7. Specifically for planetary imaging you'd be looking at, at least an 8inch/ 200mm SCT f10. You need long focal lengths so also at least a 2x barlow even 3x going f20 or f30. You can use newtonians but need 5x Barlow. Newtonian scopes are cheaper. Also the mount becomes even more critical so at least an heq5 or neq6 unless you go for an SCT. Planetary imaging is expensive and difficult. Second hand would be your only option with your budget. Dso imaging is another story with lower f ratio's needed like f4/f6 newtononians. I happen to use an f4 Newtonian for DSOs and use a 5x powermate for planetary imaging. Attached image of Mars 2018 with my set up at f20. I did go second hand £350 for the orion optics 12inch f4 optical tube and £650 for the neq6 mount. You'd also need a webcam. I use an zwo Asi 224mc these are around £150 second hand. The dslr would be best Astro modded but a used 1000d would be around £100. Dslr would be used for dso imaging. Attached M64 at f4 Cheaper options would be dslr, camera lens and star tracker mount but this would exclude planetary imaging.
  8. Happy New year everyone, hope it's a great decade of observing and imaging.
  9. I actually found a place on the side of my garden that gives me an hour window after 1pm. Only had time to rush through one image of proms after carrying my equipment around the side and set up, I'll be more prepared now. Cutting some hedge ,etc, back may give me a two hour window in the afternoon. At least I'm not having to travel now. Sun still quite low.
  10. Welcome, a few like myself are interested in spectroscopy, I only have the star analyser 100.
  11. Yeah, true, it's interesting I guess as you say, hydrogen alpha images that have a landscape element Thanks for the encouragement.
  12. Hi all, after several weeks of rain, cloud, circumstances I'd thought I'd have a good chance of imaging the sun today. Not so, waited patiently while I expected the sun to pass the trees on my horizon only to find it setting before it cleared all obstacles. Last time I imaged from my new home was several weeks ago and the sun cleared everything by 2pm. Looks like I'll have to wait to Feb/March unless I travel. Here is my attempt today, quite disappointed. +.
  13. Having nothing much to do this boxing day and looking at a new years resolution, in the next decade I've decided I'd like to see as many solar eclipses as I can given financial do ability so not to far to travel. I've come up with this list. BTW I'll be in my 60th decade too, lol. The only two real long distance one's would be USA but most landing in the area of a normal holiday for me. 2021 June 10th Partial from the UK 25% from Devon. 2022 October 25th Partial from the UK 20% from Devon. 2023 October 14th Annular Western United States. 2024 April 8th Total United States. 2025 March 29th Partial from the UK 45% from Devon 2026 August 12th Total Europe 2027 August 2nd Total Europe 2028 January 26th Annular Medeira 2030 June 1st Annular Turkey, Greece or Tunisia (Added 2034 March 20th Total Egypt, I'll be 76 by then but also doable). In total 4 Total, 3 Annular and 3 Partial. Happy New Year and new decade.
  14. Brilliant, thanks for sharing. Clouded out here, I've only one hour during the day when the sun is clear of tree's, low in the sky so getting it clear at that particular time is astronomical, lol.
  15. Welcome to the forum. Get used to using your scope first and have fun. Don't worry about the expectations you have, just explore and experiment. You'll be surprised how much more you begin to see. Training the eye/brain over time will allow you to see much more and the subtle details. Use averted vision on nebulae and galaxies as the eye is more sensitive to low light that way. Google it if you've not come across this term. As said, have fun and enjoy.
  16. Hi Ovi, once I got a 25% stack in autostakker 3 I use ImPPG for sharpening. Then I transfer to photoshop CS2 (old, lol). My first thing I do in levels and curves. Then I use the magic wand and separate the disk from the outer layer, I then do an exposure increase on the outer layer to bring out the bright prominences. Then save. Once saved I then have a disk with surface and prominences. I then check the RGB under image tab and adjust to add the false colour. These are then adjusted further in hue and saturation. Then save again. This technique does not require layering two images, taking an image of surface and then separate prominences. It's from one image.
  17. It's the blocking filters that struggle at low temperatures. Hence lunt sells the blocking filter heater. I guess a mini dew heater wrapped around the bf would do the same and much cheaper.
  18. I've applied to go on it to repair my 66 year old Teddy, voice box stopped working and paws are a little tatty and ears tatty and floppy, eye's don't match cus both we're lost but replaced with plastic one's. He deserves some tlc at 66. Only had a generic email back saying there's lots of applications.
  19. Brilliant programme, love it, great episode with that self built telescope too.
  20. Welcome, great to have wonderful skies right where you live. Have fun, it's great here too if you have any questions.
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