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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Brilliant news, soon you'll be on your way to two observatories, one for solar and one for night time observations, lol. I started with a pier several years ago, just finished the solar shed now planning the obsy for night time, lol.
  2. I got my kit second hand but still more expensive than an ordinary scope. Brilliant though and love my lunt 60mm double stack. Well worth saving for.
  3. Hi all, posting a couple of images taken last night of the remnants of comet Atlas Y4. Only used a canon 1000dm and 200mm telephoto lens with D2 light pollution filter and Omegron clock drive with bull head and manfroto tripod. 10x60s images at Iso 1600 and stacked in DSS and tweaked in photoshop CS2. Added another single frame with comet and meteor. On viewing the images I first thought it was a satellite but there seems to be an outburst two thirds of the was down the suspected meteor which seems more fitting to a meteor than a tumbling satellite.
  4. As uaual. lunt 60mm DS plus Zwo Asi 178mm false colour added in photoshop CS2. Also used 2.5x powermate on larger areas than the full disk images.
  5. So N+1 = current telescopes /observatories and S-1 is a significant factor then it remains N+1 or N+2. However if S+1 is also variable then N+1 and N+2 becomes variable too. S+1 is unknown until tested however and if tested you must know the extent of dark matter or energy that could or could not be exerted. This unknown quantity of S+1+M/E is crucial before testing the N+1/2. That was my equation which worked in my favour. So the N+1/2 had more momentum than the S+1+M/E and hence more N+1/2 that could be acquired and built.
  6. Yes Jeremy, one needs one for solar and one for night time use, lol.
  7. Yeah, closed here to, as you say, quite rightly too. The stars will still be there whenever I finish the project.
  8. Phase two will be the building of the base and pilar ready for the dome. Not sure when that will happen as it's hard getting on builders merchants websites at the moment due to the lock down.
  9. Hiya Alan, I'm planning on the two observatories. The rof will be solely for solar and the dome for the night with the 12inch newtononian. Same structure for the base for the dome is planned on the slope.
  10. Hi all, just completed my run of roof observatory and warm room/solar hut. Used an existing 10ft x 6ft shed. I've had to wait to collect my 2.7m pulsar dome from where I used to live because of the corona virus outbreak but decided the shed would make a great solar observatory. At the moment it contains my two 70mm refractors and neq6 along with unmounted 12inch newtononian which is to big for the run off roof but will go back in the dome whenever that happens.
  11. Hi all, attached image of comet Atlas Y4 taken using clock drive, canon 1000dm and 200mm telephoto lens. exposure 60s x1 @ iso 1600. Added stack of 14x60s and zoomed in one, not brilliant
  12. Yeah, I am impressed with what you can image with the 60mm double stack.
  13. Hi all, belated post from 31st March. Solar FD and 2.5x barlow of plage area. Lunt 60mm DS plus Zwo Asi 178mm prime and 2.5x powermate for area of plage interest.
  14. Hi all, I don't normally image the moon but I did this one on the 4th April using a 70mm TS ED refractor and a Canon 1000d modded DSLR. Tweaked in photoshop CS2.
  15. Double stack all the time but I'd go for 80mm and save for the double stack later. I currently use the 60mm double stack. I'd love the extra resolution though.
  16. Hi all, posting today's images of the solar disk and plage region. Lunt 60mm double stack and zwo asi 178mm. False colour images produced using photoshop CS2.
  17. Yeah, I use both powermates with the rowan astronomy Newton ring device.
  18. I now use either a 2.5x or 5x powermate with my lunt 60mm ds.
  19. Hi all, posting an image from the 27th March 2020 of a fairly large prominence. Taken with lunt 60mm DS and Zwo Aso 178mm false colour added in PS CS2.
  20. I use a JMI electric focuser and hitechastro usb controller on my lunt 60mm.
  21. Hi all, posting an image of the sun taken on the 23rd March using a Lunt 60mm DS and a Zwo Asi 178mm. False colour added in photoshop CS2.
  22. All sky camera build complete. Hopefully first light tonight. Did a focus routine last night just with the camera before fixing in place today.
  23. Certainly does Jeremy. Good to slow down in a way.
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