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Laurin Dave

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Everything posted by Laurin Dave

  1. Bright centre dark edges is quite normal and shows the vignetting.. that’s what the flats correct for as well as dust bunnies
  2. I wonder if the half illumination is because your shutter speed for flats is too fast and the panel is flickering too fast for us to see but slow enough to mess with the flats.. what shutter speed are you using? I’ll check my panel type and let you know pretty sure its evenly illuminated though .. also it’s very blue .. I’ve used it with my EOS600D and it was fine
  3. Indeed Carole, was thinking if camera has mechanical shutter too short would give a shadow
  4. Also What camera are you using and how long are your flats.. maybe too short
  5. Thanks everyone for your comments, much appreciated. If you want to see another one with similar integration time take from Bortle 1 take a look at this one https://www.astrobin.com/nv4p8b/#c425411 I'll get my coat! Dave
  6. Like Carole I have a similar tracing pad, works a treat with a few bits of typing paper over it to diffuse/dim the panel. Wish I'd kept the box now after reading Carole's response Dave
  7. I’ve found Pixinsight’s mosaic registration (which produces the matching panels by registering to the master) and gradient merge mosaic process works well provided the gradients aren’t too bad (which for my location means narrowband).. for RGB I have to do a light stretch first carefully matching the panels remove gradients and then use Olly’s method.. So Pieter it might be worth having a go with the trial version of Pixinsight to see how that works.. certainly faster than APP which nearly blew my computer up too! Just been on your website.. the equipment page .. I think I know where that is Dave
  8. Stunning image Pieter.. particularly like the little barred spiral to the lower right.. Took Olly's advice and had a quick look at your website.. bookmarked for further investigation. Dave
  9. Thanks Steve, I’ve never used Noel’s synthesise green tool but after seeing this I think I’ll give it a go.. your mix really emphasises the whirling dervish.. lovely.. and our images are never finished because we keep improving at processing and finding new and exciting things to do with our data which is all part of the fun and the appeal, thank you Dave
  10. Oh that's lovely Steve, interesting colours for just an Ha and Oiii image, I'd be interested to know what dark art or magic bullet you used. Dave
  11. I think you'll find that the ZWO RGB filters have a strategic gap where light from Hg and Na street lights emit (just look on their or FLO's website to see.... Baader etc do the same) . The luminance filter has no such gap so maybe just replace that with a LP filter.. as I understand it not much can be done about LED light pollution as it much broader band. You're set up will be great for narrowband and if you wanted to add RGB stars you don't need much RGB exposure.. 10 mins total a channel would probably be enough a light stretch and no big worries about LP Dave
  12. That Goran, is because it's an Esprit!
  13. What do your flats look like, is it on them in the same pattern? is it visible on any other channels after an extreme stretch (ie the same sort as for Oiii and Sii).. The curves and the fact they are in, what seems to me the same place on both filters makes me wonder whether a) there's a reflection somewhere or b) whether something is rubbing the filters .. I'd take them out and give them a clean .. re-do your flats and see if t goes away Dave
  14. Not often I image the moon, but yesterday I swapped cameras and had my ASI1600mm on the Esprit 150. So taking advantage of this and the odd break in the clouds I captured a few videos through the R, G and B filters to see what I'd get.. unfortunately the camera was connected via USB2 so frame rate was agonisingly slow (only one powered USB3 on my laptop and the rest of the kit was plugged into that). Processed it this morning in AS!3 and Registax and combined, aligned and coloured the channels in Photoshop. Videos were taken over a 15 minute period and I was surprised by how much the illumination changes in that time.. Looked up why the colours differ... apparently its due to the relative abundance of TiO and FeO in the surface minerals.. the more TiO the bluer. The contrast between the Seas of Tranquility and Serenity being quite apparent... Whilst fiddling about trying to get rid of some colour artefacts I inverted the image.. it looks interesting so I've included it here (background changed to avoid blinding everyone). It looks a bit like Europa to me in this colourway. Thanks for looking Dave
  15. Thanks Martin.. I'm on the edge of a small village south of Reading, CO says Bortle 4-5. East (over the village) and North (Reading) not so good but overhead and south pretty dark especially after the neighbours go to bed Dave
  16. As they say up that way.... Now then.. that is a very nice wide field M45 Dave
  17. Thanks Richard.... faint it is!… after removing the gradient there was hardly anything left!
  18. Looking good, I’d be interested to know if there’s an answer to this. I’ve found APP mosaic stitching works like magic on narrowband but have struggled with it because of gradients on RGB (haven’t tried Lum).. I went back to Pixinsight gradient merge mosaic having first lightly stretched and removed gradients from each panel.. still far from perfect though.. and have only used the result as the basis for HaR_OiiiG_OiiiB.. Dave
  19. So it says.. must pay more attention and read all the way through!
  20. Reflection Nebula NGC1333 in Perseus, part of the Perseus Molecular cloud and about 1000 light years distant. Thought I'd have a go at this as I've seen some lovely examples on here. Imaged through my Esprit 150/SX-46 with piggybacked Esprit 100/ASI1600mm on a Mesu 200 on the nights of 29 November and 2 and 3 December.. 9 hrs luminance through the 150 and 3hrs each RGB through the 100. Processed in APP, Pixinsight and Photoshop CC... much dimmer than I had anticipated, hardly any of the dust showing after 3 hrs on the first night. Thanks for looking Dave
  21. Oh dear, poor you .. nothing worse than cold feet on a bike… do try the warmers
  22. Its the Heart of the Heart Nebula in Cassiopeia Alan...
  23. Could you get a 67mm male to female adapter made up with a 2" filter thread in the middle to put before the reducer?
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