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Everything posted by Adreneline

  1. Well I sincerely hope that's not any time soon! We need to keep being inspired by your images!
  2. Very nice result Peter. I agree with @MarkAR about the hot pixels but what is odd is that the stars are nicely round but the hp's are elongated all in the same direction. What might be causing that to happen? Still a really nice image though. Adrian
  3. APP does substitute for DSS but it also does a lot more. I use it as rental software and it is my software of choice on my MacBook and my PC laptop. There are lots of online tutorials although much is pretty self-evident in terms of useage and accepting defaults often works very well. Regarding mosaics I used this as my guide when I started (albeit the printed version in S@N) and it works every time. I would recommend downloading the fully working trial and having a play. Good luck with your deliberations. Adrian
  4. I tried and failed to use PI to produce a satisfactory seamless mosaic. I am sure it was all due to my inept use of the software and inability to follow detailed and lengthy instructions and procedures. I now use Astro Pixel Processor. You literally assemble all your channels, sessions, calibration frames and load them into APP in one go and ask it to register as a mosaic. It has worked for me everytime producing seamless mosaics. It can take a while to churn through all the data but there again it was taking me an age to wade through the PI procedures only to produce a result that needed cosmetic correction in PS. I now use APP for all my calibration, registration and integration tasks and consider it money well spent. I use PI after that for pretty much all my post processing. I sometimes use PS to enhance colour or maybe reduce chromatic noise a little. Adrian
  5. My first "serious" use of my new GSO 6" RC. Manual filter changer and no guider fitted. Some refinement needed on cable management but it still produced a satisfactory image of the The Bubble. The photo is interesting to me because it is a 5 second exposure using an iPhone 11 in complete darkness - handheld! The camera steady software feature works really well. I was also impressed by the stars - not too bad for handheld - you can even discern the Pleiades just above the tree. Adrian
  6. Very nice indeed. The ASI2600 osc certainly does the business. Adrian
  7. Agreed - a much improved image. I use APP for all my calibration, registration and integration; I find it so much easier to use than PI and to me the results are indistinguishable although I am prepared to accept that is down to my inept use of PI. I then take the masters into PI for background extraction, noise reduction and stretching to non-linear. After that I've started using PI and/or Affinity, as PS no longer runs on my MacBook Pro. Adrian
  8. Your first attempt worked out a whole lot better than mine that's for sure. I found with my Samyang 85mm that if I wanted to use the lens wide open I had to experiment endlessly to find the correct spacing to use it with my ASI1600. I lost count of the number of times I assembled and disassembled the imaging train to find focus within the 'L' mark on the lens by introducing shims of various thickness. It was during one of those 'disassemblings' that the lens became detached from the Geoptik EoS mount and bounced around the patio! All credit to Samyang - other than a minor mark on the lens body no harm was done. I guess you've tried the soles of your shoes to take them apart - it always works for me. Adrian
  9. Very nice indeed. I like the colours and they level of detail you've revealed. Adrian
  10. Thank you Mark and Martyn. Hopefully once I've nailed the focus (Bahtinov Mask needed I think) I might reveal more detail - seeing permitting! It's certainly different working at 1370mm fl compared with what I've been doing with my Samyang 135mm over the past two years. Adrian
  11. Excellent - an image to be very proud of. Adrian
  12. Thank you! Glad you like it. I've got to say it worked out better than I expected. Adrian
  13. At the beginning of the week I image (amongst other things) the Bubble Nebula: Last night I used my new GSO 6" RC to image the Bubble. This was my first serious attempt at imaging in NB with the RC. This is 24 x 180s of Ha and OIII unguided! Not wishing to make excuses but I'm still getting to grips with focusing the RC, I'm not sure I've nailed the collimation and I should really be guiding so I'm placing a lot of faith in the CEM25-EC operating at 70% load capacity. As ever all comments are welcome and appreciated. Thank you for looking. Adrian
  14. How right you are! Mind you I think that even the ones that aren't "shapeless" require a pretty vivid imagination. You're right about CdC but I was hoping the ImageSolver in PI would show them but I've not discovered how as yet. Adrian
  15. I've been working at it but I'm processor limited - or memory limited - or just limited 🤯 Adrian
  16. Be assured Göran there is plenty to go at - including all that stuff that seems always to be behind the trees or the house! I've had lots of fun imaging the bits in between the interesting stuff and compiling massive mosaics but me doing the whole thing is not going to happen until I replace my trusty MacBook with a Cray! Thank you for the kind comments. Adrian
  17. Thank you Alan - I am pleased you like it. There is a lot going on in Cassiopeia and Cepheus and a lot of stuff my image solver doesn't identify. Maybe someone knows how to get PI to include all the Sh2 nebula and will enlighten me. Thanks again. Adrian
  18. Very dramatic image and I like the way you have achieved a sense of depth to the nebula. You made reference to my recent image and using PixelMath in PI. These are the formulae I used to create the image. HTH Adrian
  19. Thank you! I love my 135mm - I really like the wide field of view and seeing objects in context and in relation to one another. I'm just setting up my 6" RC for a first night of imaging. The fov couldn't be more different - the Bubble fills the fov! Adrian
  20. It is indeed Brendan. Just been setting up my GSO 6" RC for a first serious imaging session - thought I'd go for the Bubble! Hopefully have something to show for it tomorrow. Adrian
  21. This is 24 x 180s of Ha, OIII and SII combined as R-50/50 Ha/SII : G-40/60 Ha/OIII : B-OIII. Taken with ASI1600MM + Samyang 135mm unguided. Centred on HD 218375 the fov contains quite a few interesting objects including the Cave Nebula and the Bubble Nebula. It doesn't do to pixel-peep too much because of the significant undersampling but there again I'm quite pleased the Bubble can be clearly identified if you crop and zoom. As ever all comments welcome. Thanks for looking. Adrian
  22. This is not helping me resist my temptation to buy one of these 533's Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Adrian
  23. After lots of time spent reducing noise whilst maintaining detail I've decided this is as good as it is going to get with the data I have. 24 x 180s of Ha, OIII and SII. Once again any and all feedback would be much appreciated. Adrian
  24. This is the image with MMT applied. Not sure I've used the optinum settings so any advice would be appreciated. Adrian
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