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Everything posted by Adreneline

  1. Hi Dave. Do you mean on the ASIair or do you mean my router? Not sure I know how to reset the ASIair. My concern is that nothing happens at all. I connected a monitor and there’s no video output at all. I connected a network cable and the LAN socket shows no network activity at all. It doesn’t look good to me 🙁 Adrian
  2. Thank you Lee. It's not looking too bad - unguided again so a little bit of elongation but not too much. Adrian
  3. Hi ASIair owners. My ASIair has thrown a wobbler. The wifi signal seems to have died. I've tried replacing the SD with a previous backup with no joy - there is nothing. Does anyone have experience of this and have any thoughts on how to fix the problem. Is it just a standard RPi3B+ or is it in someway customised by ZWO - looks pretty standard to me. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in anticipation. Adrian
  4. The 'L' shaped bracket was with the EAF - combined with a pulley and belt from Motionco - needs a bit of fine tuning but seems to work. Adrian
  5. Thank you! I was concerned I'd pushed the colour too far - glad you like it. The RedCat is indeed looking very nice - beautifully made and finished - even the good lady likes it! Enjoy Christmas! Adrian
  6. Thank you! I was pretty pleased with my first image from the RedCat. Enjoy Christmas! Adrian
  7. Not ideal conditions because by the time the skies had cleared the Rosette was getting down to 30 degress and less. Nevertheless I was keen to try the new acquisition so this is 20 x 180s Ha, 12 x 180s OIII and 9 x 180s SII taken with ASI1600MM-Pro Cooled using Astronomik 6nm filters. Calibrated, registered and integrated in APP; processed in PixInsight using Starnet; stars combined with the starless image in Affinity; minimal noise reduction in Topaz DeNoise. It goes without saying more time/data would have helped and catching the target when it was still well above 30 degress would perhaps have produced tighter stars. Not too bad for a first outing though. As ever comments and critique welcome. Thanks for looking. Adrian
  8. All your efforts paid off - a very nice image - I'm in no position to critique - I'd be well pleased if it was mine. Adrian
  9. An excellent image Tristan - well done. The RASA8 and 2600MC has produced an outstanding result - you must be delighted. Thanks for sharing. Adrian
  10. Posting a full set of lights, etc. can total a lot of files. There are data sets available if you do a Google search - like this one: http://www.remote-astrophotography.com/cgi-bin/Fits.pl HTH
  11. Very nice. I'm a fan of a well produced starless image - just as I am of a well produced star filled image - both have a place for me in helping us appreciate the structure and beauty of these nebula. Thanks for sharing. Adrian
  12. Thanks Adam. This is the full uncropped version - other than cropping off edge effects. I think "the dot" is referred to as the Little Rosette but not sure how 'official' that is really. Adrian
  13. I'm using the Astrojolo version - same thing really. I suppose it could be a sensor tilt issue - wouldn't take much. I don't think I want to go down the road of a tilt adapter - too complicated. I'm trying to keep my setup simple. DynamicCrop will sort it that's for sure Thanks. Adrian
  14. My first SHO image from the new location. Darker skies (Bortle 3/4) help lots - but clouds don't help at all! This is 18 x 180s of Ha, 12 x 180s of OIII and 20 x 180s of SII taken with a Samyang 135 at f2.4 on an ASI1600MM-Pro, gain 139, offset 50 at -20 degrees. The image is cropped to centre up the nebula. Thanks for looking. Adrian
  15. At least there is some scope to crop it out! Thank you! Glad you like the image - hadn't spotted the galaxy - it's nearly a challenge to spot the Iris! Adrian
  16. My first RGB image with the 135mm. Not the best target to image and my RGB processing needs some work - it's been an age since I last processed an RGB image. The Bortle 3/4 skies certainly help compared with Bortle 5/6 at our previous location. This is 20x60s of R, G and B. Integrated in APP, pre-processed in PixInsight and tweaked in Affinity. Some star distortion which is most apparent in the top corners; any thoughts as to what might be causing this? Adrian
  17. I know next to nothing about EEVA but in my opinion that is a brilliant image. Wow! I am so impressed by what you have achieved. Thank you for sharing. Adrian
  18. I don't use APT but yes - 1x1 implies no binning. There are numerous threads on SGL re. the benefit or otherwise of binning and whether you should hardware bin or software bin. I have used software binning in PixInsight to convert OIII 1x1 binned to 2x2 binned with, in my view, little benefit - but! - that could have been a function of the original poor data. If I have read the threads on here correctly I believe there is a concensus that software binning is preferabe - but don't quote me on that! There are also extensive threads on using different gain/offset with the 1600 on SGL and CN. In the end I decided to go with the 'keep it simple' approach and always use the same gain and offset - makes life easier with calibration frames. I am sure it might be fun to experiment with different settings but we get so few clear nights I can't afford to lose them to experimentation. Good luck. Adrian
  19. This was my take on the Heart in SHO: This was taken under Bortle 5 skies and so there is no LRGB content; when I've attempted LR~GB it has always been disappointing to me. All are taken with gain 139, offset 50 and temperature of -20 with no binning. Nearly everything benefits from more data HTH Adrian
  20. Very nice indeed. I too am a fan of starless images and agree entirely with @Phillyo that it helps to reveal the structure of the nebula, which after all is the very thing we are trying to image! Excellent job IMHO. Adrian
  21. Thanks guys. The darker skies are amazing but I have to say it's the lack of aircraft passing over the house at well less than 1000 feet that is so, so good. The number of subs that have been completely and irretrievably lost over the last four years is beyond count; some nights they were coming in at 180s intervals! I'm delighted to have moved to the dark side. The air is a whole lot cleaner to breath as well! Adrian
  22. That's a great set of images to build on Adam. If you're anything like me you tend to accumulate a nice selection of Ha images and then face the challenge of getting a decent set of OIII and SII to go with them! Adrian
  23. Thanks Adam. Darker skies are a huge bonus. One of the Bortle reference maps suggests this is Bortle 2/3 - CO says Bortle 4. Whatever it's a whole lot better than where I was, surrounded by Derby, Nottingham, EMA and Ashby. The other massive bonus is not having planes landing over you all through the night whenever the wind was anything other than westerly. I love the fact I can step out into the back garden, look up, and there is the MW - I don't even need to allow time for my eyes to adjust. Stand out there for 15 minutes and it's amazing. I love it! Adrian
  24. No - but then I wasn't convinced by a Witches Broom either - or a Triangle. I must be taking the wrong tablets
  25. It's taken 18 months to get here but we finally arrived in our new (to us) home which not only benefits from much darker rural skies but also provides near uninterrupted views of the Western sky, previously hidden to me by houses, trees and too many street lights. This is just 15 x 180s lights (five were discarded due to errand clouds skuttling across the fov) using a Canon 200mm on the ASI1600MM-Pro. I think I've got a bit of a spacing issue with the lens but hopefully this image will provide a useful starting point for adding OIII and SII when the first cloud free night comes along - later this week if CO is to be believed! 🤣 Thanks for looking. Adrian
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