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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. @StarryEyed thank you, that is more along the lines of what I am initially thinking of :D

    As a teenager I was lucky enough to be given a SW Radio from a Lancaster Bomber from a radio enthusiast,
    I had many happy hours sat with headphones on listening in. It went onto another friend who has had a career in Broadcasting.

    I went on to have a CB radio, which was perhaps a step down, but got me broadcasting (talking rubbish) each night and again great fun.

    Meteor detection using radio kit sounds a great way to start, thanks for the link.

    • Like 1
  2. I know this will have been done to death before, but after fresh thoughts.
    So if you went back to just 1 scope, what would it be? and why?

    For my own scopes etc. I at present have:
    10" OOUK Dobsonian.
    Celestron C8 SCT
    Vixen ED103 Refractor

    If I was to have only 1 scope in my life (as if!).

    What: If I had to live with just one scope it would be a 150mm f5 reflector or perhaps the 103 ED....difficult one.
    Why: Ease of use, enough aperture and FL to be a general all round scope, small ish in stature for storage.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  3. Ant, it depends upon the car and how much you need the base reduced.
    Didn't you have an MX5?  Would have to dismantle the scope tube to fit too if that's the case.
    OOUK base, bolts together, well made, but expensive.
    Good luck with an answer.

  4. Thanks Ade, 

    I have pondered design and the Todmorden type is  a possibility.
    A Pier would be a good option on my observing pad as it will be the only shaded spot in the garden,
    the sky views are OK for most things except at low level E to S so Jupiter at present is not observable.
    However a tripod on the driveway does the trick.

    As to indented slabs, oh yes, Travis Perkins have a 'special' range for astronomers.

    • Haha 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, DaveS said:

    Given your situation, can you swing to a dome? They take up less room than a ROR and provide shielding from local light pollution. For visual you wouldn't need the extensive (And expensive) automation options. It's the latter that swung me to ROR rather than dome.

    I think the fenced corner and letting the plants grow is my plan and budget for the minute Dave.
    Yes as you say a dome would be the way to go, but at present not enough budget to do this as I have a daughter at University,
    bank of Mum & Dad is being stretched supporting this, but after (3 more years) 😉

    • Like 1
  6. That looks a wonderful conclusion to a terrible loss.

    The paint job really made me smile and go aha now that's an idea 👏 and you deserve an applause for that.
    It really is quite an accomplished artwork in itself.
    I might just paint the garden facing sides of my shed like that when I get one.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Oldfort said:

    Going back to the neighbours lights (sorry). here's a suggestion for something to help whilst your bushes grow higher.  Get several metres of black material, and some roof battens.  Staple the cloth to the battens, spaced about a metre apart, so its like lots of flags and poles stuck together, and prop this up at the edge of your property when you go observing.  I have found this quite effective in the past.

    Thank you, interesting idea and another line of thought for me.
    You are therefore forgiven for going back to the lights......😉

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks @DaveS, that is helpful :D 👍

    I am in the throws of forming an observing area at present.
    The work spot was of great interest as I was pondering my options on this.

    Looks great and as you say, often it's a compromise and pragmatic solution that works well.

    I thought it might be a power supply but not one I recognised, but you have a rather tasty mount so that explains it.

  9. I am setting up a dedicated observing area in my garden and whilst this is happening very slowly, I have been pondering (as you do).

    To date I have only used varying tripods and a Dobsonian base, but I started to think and talk to individuals on here about Piers.
    Now I have the longest pleasure Pier 1 1/4 miles long near me at Southend on Sea, but that is not the type I am thinking about 😂

    So your thoughts please on:

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Tripod?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Pier?

    I use a mixture of scope types at present a Newtonian, SCT and ED Refractor.
    This of course will change over time.

    Your input is in advance much appreciated 👍

    Link to my other thread:


  10. 2 hours ago, upahill said:

    I find its better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission in cases such as this 😂

    Cracking job, hope your hand heals fully and you are observing in no time!

    Thanks for the wishes, the hand is improving slowly but surely.
    As to doing and getting forgiven, never that brave or stupid to be honest.
    The Observing Area and shed will do for a few years, observatory towards retirement.

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