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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. Well in this fine 31 degrees I have moved the power cable to a better route and in doing so done some gardening.
    All in the name of testing my dodgy knee and hand out (honest Mrs W).

    Moved one of the Portuguese Laurel, this allows the SWA cable route to change.
    I needed about 1m more on the existing run, so a slight redig and move.
    The end of the hedge needs to move when the fence is done anyway, so one bush moved.


    Bush now sitting as Billy No Mates, but watered and fed.
    This will be part of a hedge from the end of the base to the
    end of the fence line.

    All of this (yeah I know it's not much) was testing my grip on my right hand, which is gradually returning.
    This was after a dose of food poisoning that did things to my joints as well as other areas!

    IMG_3482.thumb.JPG.588246b86dab7a9ca365e479da4452fd.JPGThis work was done in a couple of hours, and has won me that much needed 1 meter of cable and locates it within the fence line away from any posts etc.

    This was needed as I intend to build or install a power cabinet / workbench / surface in the corner of the fence.
    I wanted the power at a sensible height, as in not on the floor.

    So another small step forward HUURRAH !!!!
    Each step has great meaning to me as this project has been on hold since last November when I broke my thumb gardening.
    A number off illnesses have befallen me since then and I have not been up to much jobs wise. 
    Been very frustrating indeed.

    Next steps - Watch this space

    • Fence to be built by a fence contractor, I hope very soon indeed.
    • Gardening and bush moves.
    • Top soil on old base area and grassed over.
    • Power supply completed.
    • Build workbench / cupboard.
    • Get out using it.
    • Enjoy myself.
    • Be Healthy!
    • Purchase a shed and fit on intended spot - future.
    • A Pier install - future.

    That's just a quick update as much for me as anything else.


    • Like 1
  2. Tony welcome to SGL.

    Curiosity is what got us all into this fine and sometimes frustrating hobby.
    Nice choice of first scope.

    You will have loads of questions, that perhaps feel stupid to ask, they are not stupid at all.
    Many of us here will have had the same or similar questions when we were starting out,
    many like myself are still asking questions after 30 years of scope ownership.

    SGL is a friendly place, its polite but has a great sense of humour.
    Folks are from all over, mainly the UK, but Europe wide and many of our Cousins across the pond.

    Again welcome.


    • Like 2
  3. I am thankful for the support but the lighting issue is now old hat.
    The lighting blight was attempted to be dealt with correctly via the Local Council
    the Cool relations are due to the impasse that was the result.
    I do understand the legalities of this due to my Day Job, but it relies on others to enforce.

    Suffice to say I was told that 'No light nuisance was being caused as it only causes nuisance to my Astronomy' 🤬
    The bedrooms are now unlit as one offending light was moved, no nuisance now caused.

    Can we all get back to the Observing Pad build now please.......for the sake of my blood pressure.

  4. I did note from the images that I put up, that the hedge plants have grown more than I thought.
    They now obscure some of the line of sight to the offending property and its lights.
    Sadly at this rate it would take many years to achieve full cover, so the fence really is the answer.

    Good news looks like the fence chap can do it a few weeks sooner than he indicated,
    but subject to this coming weeks weather holding for him.
    So fingers crossed that this is the case, what with the arrival of Astro Darkness 😀

    • Like 1
  5. Nice purchase,
    I watched that dome on eBay out of interest, glad it's found a good home and will be used.

    When I first read about cutting it up I was horrified, now you have it assembled it looks good.
    Were these made as one piece in the past then?

    Clear skies and good luck with the remainder of the project.
    I have restarted an observing area project with dreams of an observatory one day.

  6. Give it longer than a year Greg and it will teach you more than just patience.
    You will develop the patience of a saint after another year.
    I have no idea how the weather in Lexington, USA compares to Thundersley, Essex, UK, 
    but living where I do the weather tests the Patience of a Saint sometimes.

    Your scope mix sounds great, refractor for nice pin sharp tight stars,
    Dobsonian for the fainter or bigger objects.
    I own a Vixen ED103s Refractor and a 10" OOUK Dobsonian, this has taken a number of scope upgrades to get here.

  7. Post Person attended yesterday and Thursday with packages from W&W Astro and 7DayShop.

    5v to 12V step up lead, will run a 50cm dew tape, its destined for a 40cm one.


    Anker Power Bank, 2 USB outlets, 3W output on each, so good for the above and a second supply to a Telrad.


    If the project fails badly, then I will use the power bank for charging my ageing iPhone
    and revert to the old lead acid battery for the dew heaters.
    Idea is to lighten the load when setting up.
    And I like shiny new things as we all do!!

    • Like 3
  8. 15 hours ago, johninderby said:

    FLO need to update their stickers. 😁


    Nice One John, but -
    No, No, No.....that text is wrong 😂
    Should read, 'Packaged with best West Country Cloud and Rain'  
    None of this PC brigade May Contain!!

    @FLO please take note 😉

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Bukko said:

    The lights from your neighbours place is terrible. They do realise thieves are more likely to go after a lit place than dark?

    Anyway. Prize for the most stupid statement/question of the day will be coming my way very soon...

    I assume you have spoken to them about your pastime and invited them round for drinks and talk about the effect their lighting would have on your pastime? You are entitled to dark skies and they need to find a way to compromise; when the nights are clear, they agree to switch them off for you. perhaps.

    In France, it's easy. They love scotch, so I keep a few bottles to lubricate the wheels of progress...

    I really do hope there is a solution that stops you throwing thousands of pounds at a screen..

    Good luck with them.



    Gordon that was another thread a long time ago, failed miserably, one light was turned away from a Bedroom window.
    I asked for them to be angled down or go off at 1030pm or something.
    The response was most impolite and neighbor to neighbor relations are somewhat cool ever since.

    When they get done over because they have lit the place for the burglars, I will try very hard to keep a straight face.
    Now that is uncharitable, but so is having so many lights pointing at someone else's property.

    Sadly the screen and hedges are the pragmatic solution to a situation,
    I moved to this location for the dark on the edge of town.

    • Sad 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Rob said:

    15!.. that's crazy. At least make them down lighters.. I really am surprised nobody else has complained.          Rob

    Crazy indeed.
    I am the only who can complain, they have a wood the other side and behind them too.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Rob said:

    Good solution, glad to see this is resolved with compromise for you. But what the heck are those spot lights used for!.. hellish light pollution even for non Astronomers!. Guess it must be a car park?.


    No just another person moving to somewhere darkish and not liking darkness.
    In total they have 15 spots lamps fitted, all shine towards me........Did I say something wrong ????
    Just hope my shielding solution of lots of plants and a fence works.

    • Sad 1
  12. I have a 240v protected supply run to the base, which will terminate on the fence ina waterproof double RCD socket for now.
    This allows power for any driven mounts, heaters etc in the future - plans always change.
    But at present it may sit idle as I am a very low tech all manual, no powered observer.

    The plan is for a 6 feet tall fence to be constructed around two sides of the 9 x 9 area and the Laurels moved closer on one side.
    This shades the pad from spotlights and also once the Laurel grows makes it look OK to both myself and the House Management Team.
    I have just marked it on a picture for clarity.


    I have just given the go ahead to a local contractor to build me a fence all in wood :D
    All to be built by hand, so no concrete posts an 6x6 panels here, so should look nice.
    This may be done fairly soon as it is a very small job for him, but a big one for me at present.

    Watch this space.

    • Like 3
  13. Well after a complicated negotiations with the House Management Team, a plan has been drawn up and fully approved.
    I have suffered multiple spotlights spoiling my Astronomy at home for a couple of years, driving me to almost stop observing from home.
    But I can be a stubborn wotsit so had grand plans of an observatory, but time, funds and health this year have put paid to this idea.

    My plan is to shade an existing concrete base in the garden to observe from, compromises needed, but it works as a location.

    Here is the area, it was a 15 Feet x 15 Feet concrete base used for a childrens frame pool, now long retired.
    Showing the first batch of plants now residing trying to block lights.


    I have reduced it to a 9 Feet x 15 Feet base.


    Surrounded it with Portuguese Laurel last year, but not tall enough yet, so have plans for a fence.
    The area to the left where you can see a Football Goal is next door, they don't like the dark and don't like Astronomy.
    The image under shows some of the lights that I contend with, there are a good number more.
    I tried lots of planting and spent £1800 on shrubs, but only partly resolved the issue.



    So the plan is to allow a 9 Feet x 9 Feet observing pad and a spare area for future storage**
    storage** is code for a 8 Feet x 6 Feet Pent shed in the future.
    It could serve as a scope or mount store, warming area and a place to ponder the world at night.

    This is the first post and has been in progress since October 2018,
    but a stay in hospital over Christmas and ongoing issues since have slowed my progress.
    Well in reality stopped it for 6 months.
    Now just starting again at a slow pace, as I have a few minor mobility and strength issues still,
    but getting better each day.   Enough about that though!  

    It is not the observatory I dreamt of, it is not even the shed I want still.
    But it will be a good area to observe from and once the fence goes up it should block out the spots that blight my Astro life!!

    • Like 8
    • Sad 1
  14. As always bring a smile reading your session notes Nick.
    Always inspiring.
    Bring on Astro Darkness and a power cut soon please 🤞
    OK - naughty me about a power cut - but all those darn spot light would go out near me!

    It is funny that when I try to describe why look at double stars to non astronomers it sounds madness,
    but as soon as I read about them or observe them it gets me feeling buoyant.

    • Thanks 1
  15. I have now got past the Green Beer Gordon and read this entire thread.

    Wow, that is quite some project.
    A far cry from your SkyPod and quite a serious improvement.....understatement of the day.

    Best I start my retirement plan soon then as I turn 53 in September, food for thought indeed.

    Good luck with all those building jobs and keep on updating the thread when back on the domes etc.


    • Like 1
  16. On 08/05/2019 at 22:17, Bukko said:

    Haha no, not in France. I was working in Singapore and my hosts invited me out for a meal and they served a special beer they make, which uses seaweed.. The taste is pretty much the same as regular beer, but its green. I think the place is called Red Balloon and there are a couple of them on the island.



    That answers my burning question that I have had for months Gordon.
    Green Beer, who would have thought!

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