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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. Had some help today so moved things along:


    Molly was of course Supervising rather than assisting!

    Moved some more bushes to the area where the fence will not reach, 
    run to keep the same look within the garden.
    The fence will have the other bushes run behind it as well, disguising the fence from view.


    Now shows the area as it will be, the fence yet to be built.
    Best bit Fence builder is arriving tomorrow morning to build it. 😆

    Then just power, hedge plants, soil and grass down and be sheltered 
    from those pesky lights!!  

    • Like 1
  2. 18 hours ago, Tomatobro said:

    Take a look at http://www.livemeteors.com/

    This is a live meteor detection website. Based in (I think) North America/Canada. It gives you an idea of what meteor detection is like when using the GRAVES transmitter in France

    That was interesting to read, listen to and watch.
    Very interesting indeed.
    Looks a cheap way into radio interests, obviously a money pit once the door is opened of course!! 😂

  3. 3 hours ago, JamesF said:

    My first thought was also 13mm Nagler.  It's probably the first one out of the case when I'm packing to go on holiday and taking a telescope (or two).

    I'm quite fond of my Panoptics though, and I can certainly see the appeal of one of those.  And I do like my 18mm and 12mm BGOs, but I think the limited FOV would mean I'd have to pass on them if I were restricted to just a single eyepiece.


    You used to be indecisive @JamesF, but are not so sure anymore 😂

    So come on which of the herd is 'The One'?

  4. Just finished fitting a heater to my Telrad, love the Telrad.

    IMG_3486.thumb.JPG.89eb2ecb58e65b205e1941cc084a9c4e.JPGIt is a bought in circuit board from Dew Control, self adhesive but you solder on wires.

    Drilled a small hole in Telrad to route wires to a plug.

    All my heaters are on short leads that I then connect to identical longer leads,
    this makes lead issues in the field simple to fix as all the leads are the same.
    This makes the unit neat when used without the heater.

    All run from 12v from mains unit, battery (12v) or via a USB Power bank
    and step up lead from W&W Astro.




    Should add it works very well, did a trial before cutting the hole and its excellent,
    far less fraught with damage danger from a resistor fitting yourself.
    It was not expensive and is very neat.




    • Like 2
  5. Following on from my one telescope thread and suggestions made, here it is....

    If you could only have one eyepiece, what would it be?
    I know that it is very unlikely a reality, but what the heck.

    I would keep my 19mm Panoptic, just love it to bits.

    Go on, join in, don't be grumpy or say you wouldn't do it, play on.......

    • Like 5
  6. To bring my own thread back to life one more line of thought.
    The Secondary holder is  big lump of cast alloy and does not allow for a neat installation of a heater.
    Or does it?

    The stalks on all other secondaries are of a smaller diameter that I have seen.
    Has anyone adapted the OOUK big lump of alloy to a smaller one to fit a secondary heater?

    Photo again of what I have:


    On my SW Newts the same f5 ratio, the holder was smaller and to be honest I felt worked better.

    IMG_3419.thumb.JPG.a419136c39ccd3aa16fd8b8c6c216eee.JPGInsert other media

  7. Shane, glad nightfisher has prodded for an update, otherwise I would have missed your thread somehow.

    What a lot of work pre Obs you have done, hat off to you on this whole project.

    One question. How tall is the pier plan for above ground?
    Interesting design you have, looks good.

    An update would be great too :D


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