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Alan White

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Posts posted by Alan White

  1. Welcome to the world of Green & Black Jon.

    A road you may regret sometimes financially, but boy I doubt you will ever doubt it when observing.
    I have almost gone all Green & Black these days.
    Don't regret it at all, just when I want another EP as they are at a premium price.

    Naglers, love them, Panoptic love them too.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Yes Winter skies are on the way 😀 
    Not that Summer ones (when available) have been anything but enjoyable.

    No lights at 4am! Wow, you are lucky.
    My sky is still lit by the many spots all night - even though the street lights go off.


  3. Grumpy

    I also believe that Telescope House sold them under one of the brands they run.

    Saw a ABS advert recently by no other Than Es Reid for one of the non Skywatcher Branded ones.
    That in itself says quite a lot to me, he must have rated it to buy it in the first place.

    Somehow I think the 'we choose the best of the batch' to be marketing speak for we just buy a big batch.

  4. I agree with John on this David.
    When buying I like the original box etc. but in reality should only make at most £10 or so reduction in price.
    You are not really buying the box to use after all.

    But as said above, it is all in the mind of the buyer and it does sometimes make a sale harder.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Well progress has been made for this Idiot after a guide 😀

    The Auzeuner  RTL SDR arrived while I was on holiday Progress point 1.
    But then life (well a death) then got tangled in the way.

    Yesterday sat down with the USB dongle and plugged in, downloaded the drivers and then nothing, didn't even show as a drive, darn it!
    Look on the web and find its driver related, loaded some software and reset the USB driver, instantly found.
    Progress point 2 

    Have downloaded software to try running the dongle.
    SDR Console v3, this worked and I can see and play with the dongle.
    Progress point 3.

    This may sound stupid to many, but I really have no idea what I am doing and each of these to me is a big step forward.

    Off to the DIY shed when it opens to buy some pipe for the S@N Aerial build.
    Hope to start on that later or tomorrow.

    Keep you posted.......Graves Radio and Meteors, here I come!

    • Like 1
  6. As always, you make it all sound wonderful and easy Nick.

    Clouded last night, so leaving it with fingers crossed for tonight.
    Made me smile about the occasional foray of Mr Nick to the Eyepiece, sounds like Mrs White here.

    Were you using your 6" Celestron F8 Achro Nick?
    If so what mount is it hung upon?

    • Like 1
  7. 44 minutes ago, JamesF said:

    Excellent news, Alan.  I feel much the same way about having the observatory.  Having somewhere that works for you makes the whole hobby so much more pleasurable.


    It certainly does James.
    One day I hope to have a complete observatory, but not at this location.

  8. Great one Mark.

    I too used to wonder why folks made a fuss, then Ed (NGC1502) set me looking.
    Hooked line and sinker, now always have a look at doubles every time I am out.

    Those little ST80 are very under rated, I had one as a temporary scope and loved it.
    It only went in a scope cull to keep the good lady happy.

    • Like 2
  9. Power up and running to a double waterproof socket.
    LED dimmable spot at recommended by others temporary fitted to trial and ascertain best location.

    Inaugural observing with Dob for a short session last night, wonderful stuff.
    Looks to have done the business and blocked the obtrusive lights, provided shelter from the breeze and
    made my life of home observing a pleasure again.

    Now for a observing bench and then a shed / store housing perhaps.


    LED at mid brightness for the picture, it goes dimmer, makes setting up in the now darker location easier.
    In dimmest setting I can read star charts etc well.


    In reality it's not this bright, the camera has made it look brighter.

    The words above do not describe how this has made me feel,
    I cannot find the words at present to express my utter joy at getting my hobby back!!



    • Like 19
  10. Had a quick look from the new screened observing area with the binoculars, report that the pad screening blocks all the stay lights from houses each side.

    Sadly does not clear the cloud and as it’s back to work in the morning after 2 weeks off just a quick test between cloud.

    Short session bringing big smiles all the same. 

    • Like 3
  11. I wish to pick the collective brains of SGL please.

    My observing pad, now darkening my observing areas, see my thread in DIY Observatories, leaves me with the perverse problem of now being too dark to sort out kit before and after use.

    So looking for an exterior Red Light solution that is dimmable, what have you fine folks done outside?

    Yes I can use a torch but looking for a better fixed way of doing it, I have mains power available at the pad.

  12. Back from 2 weeks in Devon, well mostly Devon as we had a death in the extended family while away.
    I started by mowing around the observing area, which has ended with an expensive crunch from the mower!
    Hit a metal spike lurking in weeds, didn't know it was in place, would have missed it if I knew,
    mower nil, post 1 engine crankshaft - expensive this astronomy 😭

    On a better note, gave me far more time to get the hedge moved and planted around the new fence and the SWA cable moved to the correct position.     So some good comes from an ill wind.



    Now for the electrical work and construction of a work area in the corner.
    And to start looking at a pier for next summer's build.
    And buy Mrs W lots of flowers, yes lots of flowers and work on the charm for the shed.....

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