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Everything posted by adyj1

  1. @powerlordThanks for the info 👍
  2. Oh, I think this guy is serious... 😁 @powerlord can you provide a few brief details about the hardware you used for the sound?
  3. Keep shopping, there are likely different discs that fit - I bought this a month ago for an eq6: (it was free postage, despite what it says)
  4. I won't lie - the first time I read it I thought "oo, maybe its a cool Iron Man mask..." 😁
  5. What license did you specify when uploading to Thingiverse? If you said 'non-commercial' then you can pass this information on to the Auction site and they should hopefully take action.
  6. Brilliant job, well done. It's a shame about the roof automation, but it looks very easy to move and it looks like the magnets keep it firmly in place when it is closed. Mine looks like a shack and yours looks like a telescope hotel... 😁
  7. going back a few posts, I have to say when I skimmed through and saw this picture; ... I thought you'd been flooded 😮 but the smooth, level (dry) floor is another nice touch 😉 Ady
  8. Another great solution. I do admire the simplicity and effectiveness of your solutions. You are handy with the magnets, too 😁
  9. I don't suppose you could go into this in a bit more detail please? My doors are driving me mad but I don't want to 'improve' them and end up making them worse (it's my special superpower 😂) Thanks Ady
  10. I got the impression you viewed the outcome of this poll as confirmation of your opinion about the use of goto. I guess I assumed you were extrapolating the number of people who 'bother to learn the night sky' from the poll. Anyway, I use goto exclusively now but when I was a novice I learned the night sky and can star-hop proficiently.
  11. I've had to split a foam insulating pipe to attach to the edges of beam that my roof runs along, before I do myself a serious head injury. The only advantage to having the roof roll forwards over the door (a necessity of space) is that at least I'm already stooping by the time I get to the door 😂
  12. I'm afraid I didn't follow through with onstep in the end. Perhaps the onstep forum would be able to help. Ady
  13. The skies cleared here for a bit and in the nautical twilight it was exceptional. Nice capture.
  14. That's a shame, as it does work. I'm impressed with how light you've kept it. Reliability is the key, though...
  15. Make it so, Mr Powerlord 😁 🖖 I am using esps for the roof automation (with a gate opening motor) and integrate it with Nina through the MQTT plugin rather than ASCOM. Not necessarily my final design but does mean roof operations are not solely dependent on the imaging pc...
  16. Just as an aside, I bought my AZ-GTi and ADM upgrade clamp from @FLO, and I was very pleased to be informed that fitting the ADM clamp didn't invalidate the mount warranty with them 🙂 👍
  17. Love the image, looks like a sunrise on the gallops... I expected that to say 'mounted low for jockeys to push'... 😂
  18. For taking more frames of the same target, as long as the platesolver can resolve it a single exposure has all the information you need (location, rotation) - and is much more accurate than you doing it by hand in Stellarium. If you want to start in Stellarium so that you can pick your framing, there's a button in the Framing tab of Nina that will import the telescope co-ordinates from your planitarium software (make sure you've got Nina set up to talk to Stellarium)
  19. Great to hear that you've had a successful dry run. Making good progress 👍
  20. Nice work. If you mange to "swish" your doors Star Trek-style, I will turn a very special shade of envious green. 😁 (My weak effort is the button that operates my roof motor being marked F.A.B. 😂)
  21. I had a quick look at it last night - used SkySafari on my phone to locate the comet and see the closest star, used Cartes du Ciel on the imaging PC to find the same star, and then used the CdC ASCOM telescope integration to tell EQMOD where to point. Then dropped into NINA to fine-tune the framing and take a few exposures. I really must get the Orbital plugin sorted...
  22. @jpwilliams.com Excellent write-up JP. (can you edit the link in the original post?)
  23. Sounds like a plan 👍 Good luck with the concreting - it's certainly not going to be a traditional 'duvet day' 😁
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